P. 40

and the University of Zagreb concurrently with the IAEA fellowship at the Ruđer Bo šković Institute (RBI) in
         Croatia, has been a great honor and privilege to me. I of course owe a lot of it to my supervisors and mentors
         Professors Sebata Moloi (from Unisa College of Science, Engineering and Technology), Professor Mandla
         Msimanga (iThemba LABS/TUT) and Professors Bogdanovi ć Radovi ć (RBI) for the support they have given
         and more importantly, for creating a conducive environment for growth and success.” According to Masedi
         this award not only strengthens the relevance of his PhD work, but also ignites the promise of his greater
         standing in the future of IBA. It is by this promise that in the growth of my career, I wish to continue working
         not only for what I can achieve, but more importantly for what we, as South Africans can achieve through IBA
         and ultimatley through the effective use of science to service mankind.

         * By Dr Nozipho N Gumbi, Acting Communication and Marketing Specialist, College of Science, Engineering
         and Technology

                                         Meet  Collen  Nepfumbada,  a  doctoral  candidate  at  the  Institute  for
                                         Nanotechnology  and  Water  Sustainability  (iNanoWS)  who's  research
                                         focus is on the development of enzymatic-based biosensor system using a
                                         combination of lanthanide and hexagonal Boron Nitride as a platform for
                                         waste  water  management.  His  research  focuses  specically  on  the
                                         monitoring of emerging pharmaceutical pollutants (i.e. antibiotics) in waste
                                         water sources. He recently returned from his trip to Xiamen China where
                                         he took part at the 7th Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa (BRICS)
                                         Young Scientist Forum.

                                         To  receive  the  endorsement  of  participation  at  the  7th  BRICS  Young
                                         Scientist Forum, a call was advertised with a wherein applicants needed to
                                         submit  their  applications  providing  information  about  their  research
                                         project scope, novelty of the work and the solution that this work will solve
                                         in  water  related  research.  Additionally,  the  nomination  and  motivation
                                         providing the clear reasons for applying for the and 5th BRICS Young
                                         Innovator Prize was required for this application. There were four research
                                         themes  for  this  programme  and  Collen's  proposal  was  particularly
                                         submitted under the Low- Carbon Technology research theme. Professor
                                         Usisipho  Feleni  from  iNanoWS,  who  is  Collen's  supervisor  was  very
                                         instrumental in guiding him throughout the application process and in
                                         outing together the submitted proposal document.

                                         We asked him what this endorsement opportunity meant to him and his
                                         career and this was what he had to say: “Personally, this was the best
                                         opportunity or platform I have ever had in my entire life, where I get to
                                         share my skills and knowledge in a room lled with my peer scholars from
                                         Brazil,  Russia,  India,  China,  and  South  Africa  (BRICS). This  opportunity
                                         provided me a clear view of what other countries are working on in trying

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