Page 2 - Test brochure SOP3
P. 2

T: 01883 346604

                          Introduction                     KpH Deconstruction are committed  to providing a safe working environment

                                                           so that all its employees finish their shift in the same health as when they begun.

                                     Provision of clear, concise and accurate operating procedures is the most effective measure to prevent,
                                     control and mitigate events that could lead to accident or Incidents.

                                     This manual refers to the standard operating procedure, or SOP, for KpH Deconstruction Services Ltd.

       A SOP is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled by KpH  to help workers carry out routine
       operations.  It provides  a guide to the minimum safety, health and environmental standards
       that KpH expects of its contractors, their employees and subcontractors whilst on site.

       The creation of this manual is to help support the provision of written material alongside the

       daily briefings, video guidance and further training available.

       Whilst at work everyone has legal and moral responsibilities to maintain his/her own safety
       and health, as well as that of other people who may be affected by his/her actions.  Everyone

       also has a legal duty to protect the environment and prevent pollution.  All contractors
       employed by KpH  shall read, understand and implement the requirements detailed in this

       It shall be noted that nothing in this manual frees contractors from their duty to comply with

       all current relevant statutory provisions.

         E:    W:                                               working together safely for our future
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