Page 2 - FQ10538-R2.IconReadyMixLtd.Canada.DC5600 wOption
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Icon Ready Mix Ltd.                                                     Proposal No. Q10538-R2 Final
               11211 Winter Burn Road
               Edmonton, Alberta                                                      Date:  September 12, 2017
               CANADA  T5S 2B2
                                                                                Salesman:  GET/kr
               Attn:  Mr. David Tesarski
                                                                                Tel:   780-977-9548

               We are pleased to quote the following, Model DC 5600 (5,600,000 BTU/HR) DIRECT CONTACT
               WATER HEATER to be installed by the purchaser.  This system is designed on the basis of the
               information supplied to us by your plant to handle the following approximate quantities and
               temperatures and produce the stated results. This system is to feed an existing 5,000 gallon storage tank
               with delivery pumps.


                            Hot Water -----------------------------------------------------   5,400 GPH (90 GPM @ 160 Deg. F.)
                            Cold Water ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  40 Deg. F.
                            Natural Gas Pressure (1,000 BTU/FT ---------------------------------  1 PSIG @ 5,600 FT /HR.
                            NOTE:  All figures are in U.S. Units of Measurement.

               HEATER CAPACITY:
               Direct Contact Water Heater (Patent No. 4574775) is rated at 2,200,000 BTU/HR and is capable of heating
               90 GPM from 40 to 160 Deg. F. at sea level to 2,000 foot elevation.  Performance is reduced at higher
               elevations.  Water can be heated to a maximum of 180 Deg. F. at a reduced flow.

               Based upon heating 2,100 GPH of water from 40 to 160 Deg. F., 60 hours per week for 30 weeks
               per year, and natural gas at a cost of $6.00 per 1,000 cubic feet, the annual cost reduction would
               be $23,545.00 when compared to a conventional gas-fired heater or boiler system operating at
               70% system efficiency.

               INSTALLATION OPTION:    (Available Upon Request)
               In addition to the following standard equipment, an OPTIONAL Pump, Valve, and Piping Package is
               available to substantially reduce set-up time and installation.

               Ludell warrants its water heaters against defects in material and workmanship, under normal use and
               service for a period of five (5) years after shipment for the fabricated stainless steel shell and one (1) year
               for all other components. Ludell's obligation is limited to repair or replacement f.o.b. Ludell's plant.
               Please note that customer supplied water chemistry may adversely affect the equipment materials of
               construction.  If the water supply is aggressive, acidic or high in chlorides a higher-grade stainless steel
               alloy must be utilized.  Contact Ludell for a quote revision if your supply water chemistry is of poor
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