Page 39 - Banking Finance April 2022
P. 39


         promoting the effective implementation of the FATF      Secretary, whom the Plenary  appoints at the proposal
         recommendations in their member jurisdictions. Asia/Pacific  of the President and the Secretariat staff.
         group on money Laundering (APG)  and Eurasian Group on  Y  The Secretariat service is provided by the OECD and the
         combating money laundering and financing of terrorism (  secretariat is located at the OECD headquarters in Paris.
         EAG ) are examples of FATF Associate Members.
                                                              Objectives and functions
         Focusing on participation of International           Y  To set standards of legal regulatory and operational
         institutions in the FATF                                measures for combating money  laundering terrorist
                                                                 financing and other related threats to the integrity of
         International Monetary Fund and the World Bank play a   the international financial system.
         special role in the development, promotion and
         dissemination of measures for combating money laundering  Y  To promote effective implementation of the FATF
         and the financing of terrorism and other related threats.  recommendations globally.
         The FATF works closely with the United Nations and the  Y  To monitor countries progress in implementing the FATF
         Egmont group of Financial Intelligence Units. The Egmont  recommendations.
         group is a united body of 166 financial intelligence units  Y  To review money laundering and terrorist financing
         based in Torrento, Canada.
                                                                 techniques and counter measures.
                                                              FATF : 40 + 9 recommendations
         The decision as to whether a body may participate as an  Y  In 1990, the FATF issued a report containing a set of 40
         observer to the FATF is taken by the plenary. Observer have
         a stated role related to the combating money laundering
         and the financing of terrorism and proliferation.    Y  To provide a comprehensive plan of action needed to
                                                                 fight against money laundering. In 2001 the FATF  issued

         Organisational structure of the institution             the eight special recommendations to deal with the
                                                                 issue of tourist financing.
         The Plenary
                                                              Y  Three years later a 9th recommendation was added
         Y   The FATF plenary consists of member jurisdiction and  together they are known as the 40 + 9
                                                                 recommendations. They have been expanded to deal
                                                                 with the new threats such as the financing of
         The plenary is the decision making body of the FATF. It's
         decisions are taken by consensus. The President convenes  proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and to be
         at least three plenary meeting every calendar year, normally  clear on transparency and tougher on corruption FATF
                                                                 has outlined the criteria for evaluating whether its
         in February, June and October.
                                                                 standards are achieved in participating countries.
         The President and a Vice-President
         Y   The President is appointed by the plenary from amongst  Focus on FATF's list, the black list and
             it's members for a term of two years non- renewable.  grey list.
         Y   The Vice-Principal is also appointed for two years, who  Black List : High risk jurisdictions subject to a call for action
             assists the President in carrying out its responsibilities.  have strategic deficiencies in their regimes to counter money
                                                              laundering, terrorist financing and financing of proliferation.
         The Steering Group
         Y   The FATF, steering group is an advisory and is chaired  This list is often externally referred to as the blacklist. The
             by the President.                                first FATF blacklist was issued in 2000 with an initial list of 15
                                                              countries as of January 2021, Democratic People's Republic
         The Secretariat                                      of Korea or known as North Korea and Iran are the only two
         Y   The FATF Secretariat is composed of an Executive  countries identified as high risks jurisdictions by FATF.

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