Page 41 - Banking Finance April 2022
P. 41



         TESTING :

         NEED AND


         S       tress Testing is described as the evaluation of a  Stress testing forms an integral part of the internal capital

                 bank's financial position, under a severe but plausible
                                                              adequacy assessment process (ICAAP), which requires banks
                 scenario to assist in decision making within the bank.
                                                              to undertake rigorous, forward looking stress testing that
                 It  enables a bank in forward looking assessment of
         risks, which overcomes the limitations of statistical risk  identifies severe events or changes in market conditions that
                                                              could adversely impact the bank. The main objectives of
         measures or models based  on historical data and assumptions.  stress testing includes assistance  in risk identification and
         It  helps the  senior management in understanding  the  control, complementing other risk management tools,
         condition of the bank in the stressed time.          improving capital and liquidity planning, and thereby
                                                              facilitating  the business decision-making. Stress tests  plays
         Stress testing outputs are used by a bank in decision making  an important role in the communication of risk within the
         process in terms of potential actions like risk mitigation  bank and external communication with supervisors to
         techniques, contingency plans, capital and liquidity  provide support for internal and regulatory capital adequacy
         management in stressed conditions, etc. It focuses on the  assessments .Indian Banks perform the stress tests at least
         impact of credit risk, liquidity risk, market risk etc. in adverse  at half yearly intervals.
         situations both at the bank level and at the systemic level.
         Stress tests measure the resilience of the individual financial  As per RBI guidelines, The responsibility for stress testing
         institutions as well as the financial systems as a whole  programme in a bank rests with the board of directors of
         against possible extreme volatilities in the macro economic  the bank and with the Chief Executive Officer in the case of
         parameters in any country's financial system.        the foreign banks with branch presence in India. To promote
                                                              risk identification and control, stress testing is  included in
                               About the author               risk management activities of a bank at various levels . It is
                                                              used to address existing or potential firm-wide risk exposures
                         Ravi Mishra                          and concentrations. In Banks stress testing programme is
                         Chief Manager Faculty                governed by internal policies and procedures and they
                         Union Bank of India                  document the underlying assumptions and fundamental
                         Staff Training Centre, Gurugram      elements for each stress testing exercise. For this banks have

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