Page 46 - Banking Finance April 2022
P. 46


         FDA permission of Food and Drugs, explosive use permission  with the documents and quotations submitted by the
         & explosive storage permission and boiler inspector  borrower and also ensure its reasonability and acceptance.
         permission are required to be obtained. We have to ensure  He has to take some assumptions for manufacturing cost
         all the approvals and permission are obtained by the  and raw material cost etc. The cost of project is to meet
         borrower for its smooth functioning.                 out from Promoters contributor and unsecured long term
                                                              loans and by bank finance by ensuring DER ratio. The
         3. Environment Appraisal:                            indicative items of cost of the project and means of the
             If effluents are generated during the process, the  finance in case of manufacturing unit are as under.
             consent to establish / operate is to be obtained from
             state pollution control board. The arrangements for        Cost of the Project             Means of the Finance
             effluent treatment plant / effluent disposal needs to be  Particulars  Amount  Particulars  Amount
             verified. In case boiler used in manufacturing process,  Land              Promoter's
             the permission of Boiler Inspector needs to be obtained                    contribution
             to ensure that necessary arrangement for air pollution  Building           Unsecured
             control are made. In case of infra- structure projects
                                                                                        loans- Long term
             like road and power, the Forest Dept. clearance /
                                                               Plant & Machinery        Term loan from Bank
             environment clearance, mining approval etc. needs to
             be ensured.                                       Furniture & Fixture
                                                               Technical know-
         4. Commercial Appraisal:                              how fees
             The product which the borrower is going to        Interest during
             manufacture has to be studied from various view points.  construction (IDC)
             Sometimes, the product is new in the market then we  Preliminary& Pre-
             cannot ensure the acceptability in the market, its  operative expenses
             durability and its competiveness with the alternative
             products which are already available in the market.
             Some products have higher obsolescence like electronic  Margin for working
             items. Sometimes the product proposed is already  capital
             outdated from the market like compact disk and type          Total                    Total
             writer etc. So before sanctioning any proposal the study
             of the product should be done.                   The contingencies are added in the cost of project to take
                                                              care the cost escalation for construction of building and cost
         The demand & Supply for the products manufactured, major  of plant and machineries etc. i.e. increase in cost of project
         customers, arrangements  made for market promotion,  due cost overrun. When the borrower proposed working
         selling arrangements like direct selling to customers / selling  capital from the bank, then it is ensured at the initial stage
         through dealers / distributors, major competitors, strength  the margin for working capital is with the borrower, so it is
         of the firm,  how competition will be overcome etc. needs  included in the cost of project. Further, interest during
         to be verified. The threat of cheaper imports / better  construction (IDC) is normally expected to be met out of
         substitutes is to be studied. The sales projections made by  promoter's contribution. The Debt equity ratio, Total outside
         the firm should be reasonable and all the supporting  liabilities / TNW should be within the bench mark as per loan
         information / business assurance letters etc. needs to be  policy of Bank.
         obtained to assess the reasonableness of projected sales.
                                                              B. Assessment of Term loan quantum / limit
         Financial Appraisal:                                 The term loan amount is calculated by the bank after

         A. Cost of the Project & Means of the Finance:       deducting promoter contribution for each of the head
         The Cost of project and means of finance are obtained from  mentioned in the cost of project. The margin is to be
         the borrower. The each head of cost of project is verified  maintained as per bank loan policy

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