Page 42 - Banking Finance April 2022
P. 42


         proper MIS in place and ensure maintaining proper When the stress tests are not favourable for
         infrastructure.                                      financial institutions then following scenarios

         There are broadly two categories of stress tests used in  occurs:
         banks namely  sensitivity tests and scenario tests. Sensitivity  Y No Dividend payment to their shareholders
         analysis estimates the impact on a bank's financial position  Y High plough back of profit and thereby shore-up their
         due to predefined movements in a single risk factor like  net worth
         interest rate, foreign exchange rate or equity prices, shift
         in probabilities of defaults. In the sensitivity analysis,   the  In case of failed stress tests for banks/FI following
         source of the shock on risk factors is not identified and
         usually, the underlying relationship between different risk  scenarios occur:
         factors or correlation is not considered.            Y Rework their business plan
                                                              Y Restructure their assets portfolio
         Scenario Analysis seeks to assess the potential consequences
         for a firm of an extreme but possible state of the world. This  Y Do the stress tests in a simulated environment
         analysis is based on a historical event or hypothetical event.  Y Resubmit the results of the revised stress tests.
         Scenario analysis is currently the leading stress testing
         technique. The banks identify relevant risk drivers. And  RBI has time to time laid stress on Stress Testing as it
         subsequently the banks stress the identified risk drivers using  consider market illiquidity and the interplay of market and
         different degree of severity.                        credit risk. Due to outbreak of Corona pandemic in the year
                                                              2020  and to judge the impact of it on banks/NBFCs RBI in
         There is also a concept of Reverse stress testing which  is a  June 2020 , advised all banks and NBFCs to do Covid stress
         technique that involves assuming worst stressed outcome  tests and analyse the impact on balance sheet, asset quality,
         and tracing the extreme event/shocks that bring the  liquidity, profitability and capital adequacy for FY21 and FY22
         maximum impact. Reverse stress testing starts from an  and based on the outcome of such stress testing, banks and
         outcome of business failure and identifies circumstances  NBFCs have been advised to work out possible mitigating
         where this might occur. It is seen as one of the risk  measures including capital planning, capital raising, and
         management tools usefully complementing the "usual"  contingency  liquidity planning.
         stress testing, which examines outcomes of predetermined
         scenarios. For the classification of banks for stress testing,  This year also RBI may asks bank to perform the  stress tests
         banks have been classified into 3 groups as below:   to judge the impact of second phase of COVID 19  . In its
         Group A - Bank with Total Risk Weighted Assets(RWA) of  Financial stability report  released on 11 January 2021 , RBI
         more than Rs.2000 billion
                                                              said gross NPAs could rise to 13.5% under the baseline stress
         Group B - Bank with Total Risk Weighted Assets between  scenario by 30 September 2021, the highest in more than 22
         Rs.500 billion and Rs.2000 billion                   years, up from 7.5% as of 30 September 2020. It is predicted
         Group C - Bank with Total Risk Weighted Assets less than  to almost double to 14.8% under a severe stress scenario.
         Rs.500 billion                                       Hence Regulator is now looking for multiple indicators  like
                                                              credit disbursement, adoption of information technology
         A bank that falls under Group A should carry on stress testing  across banks etc. for the comprehensive stress tests.
         programmes with all the complexities and severities
         required for programmes to be realistic and meaningful. A  Hence we see that stress tests has a great importance . It
         bank that falls under Group B, conduct multifactor sensitivity  helps not only in managing funding risk taking into
         analysis and simple scenario analyses of the portfolios with  consideration all relevant market rates but also produce
         respect to simultaneous movements in multiple risk factors  information summarizing the bank's exposure to extreme
         caused by an event. A bank that falls under Group C conduct  but possible circumstances.
         simple sensitivity analyses of the specific risk types to which
         it is most exposed. This will allow such  bank to identify,  Reference:
         assess and test its resilience to shocks relating to the  1. RBI site
         material risks to which its portfolios are exposed.  2. Economic news from newspapers, internet etc.

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