Page 18 - The Insurance Times March 2025
P. 18

alongside reporting its full year 2024  ter containing the directive to Islamic
         results, which were very strong once  insurers on 19 February.           Attention Subscribers
         again, Munich Re provided an update  A senior IDRA official said that the  Please renew your Subscription of The
         on the January 1st, 2025, reinsurance  government is prioritising sukuk issu-  Insurance Times Journal to receive
         renewals, when around two-thirds of
                                            ance to finance its projects, catering to  copy of the journal uninterruptedly.
         the company’s non-life reinsurance  investors seeking shariah-compliant fi-
         treaty business was renewed.                                           You can now pay by GPAY, Phonepe,
                                            nancial  instruments,  reported  The
         Overall,  the  reinsurer  pulled  back  Business Standard.             Paytm, Amazon, ICICI Pay, BHIM UPI
         slightly as the volume of business writ-  There are currently 16 Islamic insur-
         ten declined by 2.4% year-on-year to
                                            ance companies operating in the pri-
         €15.6 billion. The carrier explained
         that it “consistently discontinued busi-  vate  sector,  comprising  12  family
                                            takaful companies and four shariah-
         ness that did not meet our expecta-
         tions with regard to prices or terms and  compliant general insurers.
                                            Munich Re faces $1.3 bil-
         In terms of price, Munich Re said that
         as development was stable, overall, lion  in  claims  from  Los
         the good price level of the reinsurer’s  Angeles inferno
         portfolio was maintained, with a slight
         decrease of 0.6%.                  Munich Re expects about 1.2 billion
                                            euros ($1.26 billion) in claims resulting
         The reinsurer expects the environment  from the Los Angeles wildfires, it said ,
         to remain positive in the upcoming
                                            representing the biggest loss reported
         April and July renewals and noted that  so far by a single European reinsurer
         recent natural catastrophe events and  for the January catastrophe.
         subsequent losses, notably the Los An-
         geles wildfires, “are clearly impeding a  The wildfires killed more  than two
         softening of prices.”              dozen people and destroyed or dam-
                                            aged more than 16,000 structures,
                                            charring an area bigger than Paris.
         Bangladesh:Regulator di-
                                            "They were clearly the most substan-
         rects Islamic insurers to          tial wildfire losses in the history of the

         invest in sukuk                    insurance industry," Munich Re said.  Sashi Publications Easy Payment
         The Insurance Development and Regu-  Munich Re, the world's largest rein-  Modes :-
         latory Authority (IDRA) has instructed  surer, said that its estimate was a high  i) UPI ID: SASHIBOOKS@KOTAK
         Islamic insurance companies to invest  degree  of  uncertainty because the  ii) GPAY: 9830171022@okbizaxis
         in government Islamic bonds (sukuk) or  losses were complex.            iii) PAYTM: 9830171022@paytm
                                            Analysts have  estimated  insurance  iv) NEFT: Current A/C
         Under the directive, Islamic life insur-  claims across the industry could total  402120110000327 of 'SASHI
         ance companies must allocate at least  $45 billion. Hannover Re, another Ger-  PUBLICATIONS PRIVATE
         30% of their overall investments to  man reinsurer, has said that it could  LIMITED, Bank of India, VVK
         such instruments while Islamic general  face claims claims amounting to 700  Road Branch., Kolkata, India,
         insurance companies are required to  million euros.                       IFSC Code : BKID0004021
         invest a minimum of 7.5%.
                                            Fitch, the credit ratings company, has  v) Credit Card:
         Previously, the mandatory investment  said that European insurers had re-
         applied only to conventional insurers  duced exposure to California after a
         while shariah-based insurers were ex-  spate of fires in 2017 and 2018 but  For  any  query  please  call
         empt.                              would still be "materially affected" by  9073791022/9883398055
         IDRA director Abdul Majid issued a let-  the 2025 fires because of their scale.

                                                                           The Insurance Times  March 2025    17
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