Page 14 - The Insurance Times March 2025
P. 14

above by more than 10% in a single  ums. This has been a regulatory con-  seeking care. By bringing quality medi-
         year, following complaints from policy-  cern for IRDAI," the circular had said.  cal care closer to customers, we aim
         holders, some of whom saw their pre-                                  to ensure their comfort and peace of
         miums double within a year.        Star Health Insurance ex-          mind," company MD and CEO Anand
                                                                               Roy said in a company statement.
         Some insurers have assumed the cap  pands  home  healthcare
         applies to the last premium paid before                               Cities like Mumbai, Delhi and Pune
         the hike. However, insurers are uncer-  service to 100 locations      have been proactive in the adoption of
         tain whether they can impose a cumu-  Standalone health insurer Star Health  these services, with services primarily
         lative increase upon renewal after a  and Allied Insurance Company Ltd has  focused on treating conditions such as
         multi-year policy term ends.       expanded its Home Health Care initia-  viral fever, dengue. More than 15,000
         "We are going to ask the regulator to  tives to 100 locations across the coun-  patients  have  benefitted  from  the
                                            try, the company said on Wednesday.
         clarify whether, for a senior citizen                                 Home Health Care programme.
         with a three-year policy, insurers can  Launched in July 2023, the initiative
         increase premiums by more than 10%  covers 85% of Star Health Insurance's  Investigating claims of cus-
         when the policy renews in the fourth  customer base, offering cashless door-
         year, or if the cap will continue to ap-  step medical care service.  tomer  data  leak:  Niva
         ply year by year," the chief executive  "At  Star  Health,  we  believe  that Bupa Health Insurance
         of an insurance company said.      health insurance goes beyond provid-  India's Niva Bupa Health Insurance Co
         IRDAI has cited financial vulnerability  ing financial coverage. It is a bridge to  said, it is investigating whether any
         as a key reason for this restriction. "The  accessible and affordable healthcare  customer data has been leaked after
         most vulnerable age group is senior  for every individual. Our vision is to  an anonymous person claimed to have
         citizens with limited sources of income.  remove  barriers  such  as  high  access to such data.
         They are the most impacted by steep  hospitalisation costs, logistical chal-
         increases in health insurance premi-  lenges and the stress associated with  "The threat actor via email, claims to
                                                                               have the customer data of Niva Bupa.
                                                                               As a matter of urgency, we continue
               Bupa may increase stake in Niva Bupa Health                     to conduct investigation(s) of data leak
                                                                               and implement measures to mitigate
                                     Insurance                                 the risk," the insurer said in a state-
           UK-based Bupa, which currently holds a 56 per cent stake in Niva Bupa  ment. The company did not give any
           Health Insurance, may consider increasing it in the future, said Krishnan  further details.
           Ramachandran, MD & CEO of the standalone health insurer.
                                                                               If confirmed, this would be the latest
           This comes after Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced a hike in  in  a string  of data leaks  that have
           the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) limit in the insurance sector from 74  plagued the sector in recent months.
           per cent to 100 per cent in her Union Budget speech.
                                                                               In November, HDFC Life Insurance said
           "They (Bupa) are a long-term shareholder; clearly they are very excited  an unknown source shared certain cus-
           about the India opportunity. I am sure in the times to come, they will think
                                                                               tomer data with it with "mala fide in-
           about increasing their stake," Ramachandran said. Currently, the UK-based
           healthcare services company Bupa Singapore Holdings has a 55.98 per cent
           stake in the recently-listed standalone health insurer. Fettle Tone LLP holds  In August, Star Health faced a data
           another 17.9 per cent stake. The company was listed on the exchanges in  theft incident where stolen customer
           November 2024.                                                      data, including medical reports, were
           According to Ramachandran, investments in technology, data, and analytics  publicly accessible via  chatbots on
           will aid the company in handling greater volumes and bring down its com-  messaging app Telegram and through
           bined ratio to 95-96 per cent in the next 5 years from the existing 100.9  websites.
           per cent. Combined ratio, which is a measure of profitability for a non-life  India's insurance regulator had in Oc-
           insurer, when below 100 per cent indicates that the company is making an  tober directed insurers to audit their
           underwriting profit, while a ratio above 100 per cent means that it is pay-  IT systems following concerns over
           ing out more money in claims than it is receiving from premiums.    such leaks.

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