Page 9 - The Insurance Times March 2025
P. 9

Insurance merger on hold,            Air India finalises $20 billion fleet insurance; pre-
         govt may pick one for sale           mium unchanged

         The Centre may drop its plan to merge  Air India has finalised $20 billion insurance cover for its expanded fleet post
         three general insurers and instead pick  Vistara merger at existing rates, it is learnt.
         one of them for privatisation this fiscal
                                              While the sum insured has increased from $12 billion to $20 billion, the
         year, two people aware of the devel-
         opment said.                         premium outgo will remain unchanged at around $30 million.
                                              While globally aviation insurance premiums are expected to inch up follow-
         The other two may be provided addi-
         tional capital to strengthen their bal-  ing a spate of accidents in the past few months, Air India has managed to
         ance sheets, the people cited above  secure good rates. This is because of overall softness in aviation insurance
                                              market, deft negotiations, the airline’s risk management practices and ab-
         said on the condition of anonymity. To
                                              sence of major claims, sources said.
         begin with, the government will assess
         the financial performance of all three  The $20 billion insurance will cover against damage to aircraft from inci-
         insurers in the coming quarters.     dents, accidents or war. This covers 300 plus planes belonging to Air India
                                              and Air India Express. There is a separate cover for passenger and third party
         "The aim is to strengthen the general
         insurers'  balance  sheets  through  liabilities.
         recapitalisation before any potential  Tata AIG is the lead insurer for Air India taking a significant portion of risk.
         merger is  considered,"  the person  Indian public sector insurance firms and ICICI Lombard have a smaller share
         added.                               of sum insured. The entire risk has been underwritten by London based
         While National Insurance, United India
         Insurance and Oriental India Insurance
         are considered weak, market leader SBI  General  Insurance            improved its loss ratio by approximately
         New India Assurance is seen as strong  marks  whopping  273%          4% compared to the same period in
         and not a candidate for privatisation.                                FY24, aided by better risk management
                                            growth                             and faster claims processing.
         The Union budget 2018-19 had pro-  SBI General Insurance has reported a
         posed merging the three weak insur-  profit after tax (PAT) of INR 504 crore
         ers into one and listing it on the stock                              Public sector general in-
                                            for the first nine months of the 2025
         exchanges, a plan that has made little  fiscal year (9M FY25), marking a whop-  surers  post  combined
         progress.  Federal  think  tank  NITI  ping 273% year-on-year increase.  profit of Rs 1,066 cr in Q3
         Aayog recommended United India In-
                                            During this period, the insurer also  Public Sector General Insurance Com-
         surance for privatisation to a secretar-
                                            achieved a 10.9% growth in gross writ-  panies (PSGICs) have achieved financial
         ies' panel in FY22, but that has not  ten premium (GWP) and a 10.5% rise  turnaround in the December quarter,
         taken off either.
                                            in gross direct premium (GDP), surpass-  posting a combined profit of Rs 1,066
         At the end of the September quarter,  ing the general insurance industry’s  crore on the back of various reforms by
         solvency ratios of National Insurance,  growth rate of 7.8%.          the finance ministry.
         Oriental Insurance, and United India  The company’s solvency ratio stood at  Public sector general insurance compa-
         Insurance stood at -0.45, -1.02, and -  2.12, comfortably above the regula-  nies (PSGICs), that historically reported
         0.71, respectively, while that of New  tory requirement of 1.50. Motor insur-  losses, witnessed a major turnaround
         India Assurance stood at 1.81. The  ance saw a 39% year-on-year increase,  with all of them becoming profitable
         insurance  regulator  mandates  all  attributed to strengthened underwrit-  again, the finance ministry said in a
         insurers to maintain a minimum sol-  ing practices and expanded use of digi-  statement. While Oriental Insurance
         vency ratio of 1.5. The ratio measures  tal platforms for policy issuance and  Company Ltd (OICL) and National Insur-
         an insurer's ability to service the risks  renewals.                  ance Company Ltd (NICL) started post-
         it has undertaken. According to the  Health insurance grew by 12%, bol-  ing quarterly profits from Q4 of 2023-
         second person mentioned above, all  stered  by  heightened  healthcare  24 and Q2 of 2024-25, respectively,
         PSU insurers  are expected  to  have  awareness, increasing demand for com-  United India Insurance Company Ltd
         positive ratios after an expected capi-  prehensive coverage, and the adoption  (UIICL) posted profit in Q3 of 2024-25
         tal infusion.                      of digital solutions. SBI General also  after a gap of seven years, it said.

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