Page 13 - The Insurance Times March 2025
P. 13


                                                                               major factor driving these increases is
           Millennials continue to drive demand for health                     the lack of standardised hospitalisation

           cover                                                               costs  in  private  insurance,  unlike
                                                                               PMJAY, which negotiates uniform pack-
           Despite a steep increase in premium for health insurance policies in the last
                                                                               age rates.
           one year, there has not been any decline in renewals and the demand for
           new policies, say experts.                                          Senior citizens have reported instances
                                                                               where their premiums nearly doubled,
           According to industry estimates, health cover premiums increased by 1015
           per cent across various general and standalone health cover providers in  particularly when crossing into a higher
           the last one year.                                                  age  bracket  coinciding  with  an
                                                                               insurer's pricing revision. The annual
           "Increase in health cover premiums are to be understood in the context of  nature of health insurance contracts
           rising medical inflation in the country and we don't see any adverse impact  exacerbates this issue, as there is no
           on the renewal of cover on account of increase.                     level premium structure like in term
           "About 25 per cent of our premium comes from renewals," Priya Deshmukh,  insurance. In contrast, term insurance
           Head Health products, Operations and Services, ICICI Lombard, told. Ac-  collects premiums evenly over a fixed
           cording to Narendra Bharindwal, Vice President, Insurance Brokers Asso-  period, whereas health insurance costs
           ciation of India, the increase in retail health cover policies has been higher  fluctuate due to  rising medical ex-
           compared to that in the corporate group cover segment.              penses.
           One of the reasons for frequent hike in premium is the practice of bracket-  Insurers  seek  clarity  on
           ing of age groups in deciding the price of cover, he said, adding: "The
           younger the person, the cheaper the cover."                         hike caps for senior health

          'Senior  citizens'  annual        To control rising healthcare costs, in-  Health insurers are seeking clarity from
                                            surers have been urged to standardise  the IRDAI on the implementation of its
          health insurance premium          hospital empanelment and negotiate  recent circular capping annual pre-
          hike capped at 10%                package rates similar to govt's PM Jan  mium hikes for senior citizens at 10%,

          IRDAI has directed insurers not to in-  Arogya Yojana (PMJAY).       particularly how it applies to long-term
          crease senior citizens' health premiums  An IRDAI statement noted a significant  policies and whether rates can be ad-
          by more  than 10% for  without ap-  increase in premiums for some health  justed upon renewal.
          proval as those aged 60 and above see  insurance products for policyholders  In a  circular issued on January 30,
          mediclaim policy prices shoot up. Ad-  aged  60  and  above.  The  regulator  IRDAI restricted all general and health
          ditionally, insurers must seek approval  noted that premium rates are deter-  insurers  offering  indemnity-based
          from the regulator before discontinu-  mined by estimated claims, administra-  health insurance from increasing pre-
          ing health policies for seniors.  tive costs, and acquisition expenses. A  miums for  individuals aged 60 and

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