Page 16 - The Insurance Times March 2025
P. 16

According to Londe, govt's decision to  Life insurers rejig agent     one month. The insurer will refund the
         link capital infusion in public sector                                first premium paid if the policyholder
         general  insurance  to  underwriting  fee structures                  returns the policy within the period,”
         profits has had a positive impact on the  Listed life insurance companies have  Nagaraju said during a post-Budget
         industry. He added that persistently  modified their commission structure  press conference in Mumbai.
         weak prices in insurance suppress the  based on persistent performance of  Nagaraju said public-sector companies
         sector's profitability.            various  distribution  channels,  and  had been asked to introduce ‘call back’
                                            redesigned products to mitigate the
         Another attraction for some foreign                                   in insurance policies, i.e., once the
         insurers would be the proposal to allow  impact of the revised surrender value  product is sold, a call back is sent to
         monoline  insurers  and  composite  norms.                            the customer to understand whether
         insurance  companies.  "There  are                                    he/she is happy with the product or if
         many insurers globally who focus on Govt asks private insurers        they want to surrender. “We have also
         one line of insurance activity. They will  to  increase  free  look   asked private companies to do the
         be encouraged to come to India," said                                 same so that mis-selling is not there,”
         Londe.                             period to one year                 the secretary said.
                                            The  government has asked private
         IRDAI revised the surrender        insurers  to  increase  the  free-look  BALIC becomes the first
         value guidelines effective         period  for  policyholders  from  one  insurer  to  go  live  with
                                            month  to  a  year,  Department  of
         from October 1, 2024.              Financial Services (DFS) Secretary M Bima-ASBA facility
         HDFC Life has revised its commissions  Nagaraju said.                 Private life insurer Bajaj Allianz Life
         based on the persistency profile of the                               Insurance on Saturday announced that
         distributor.  "It  is  a  combination  The free-look period is the length of  it has become the first insurer to go live
         depending on the level of business,  time  during  which a  customer  can  with the BIMA- Application Supported
         partners, inherent persistency in that  cancel an insurance policy without  by  Blocked  Amount  facility  (Bima-
         channel, and so on. We have done a  paying surrender charges. Last year,  ASBA), the company said in its press
         combination of commission clawback,  the insurance regulator increased the  release.
         commission deferral, and reduction in  period to 30 days from 15 days.
         commission. It is fairly bespok for every  “The government has introduced and  This  milestone  aligns  with  the
         relationship,"  said  Vibha  Padalkar,  encourages insurance companies to  Insurance Regulatory and Develop-
         managing director and chief executive  increase the look-out (free-look) period  ment  Authority  of  India’s  (Irdai)
         officer (MD & CEO) of the company.  of insurance policies to one year from  initiative to bring operational ease,
                                                                               enhance policyholder convenience,
                                                                               ensure  greater  transparency,  and
               LIC's Q3 profit rises 17% as expenses decline                   simplify  the  insurance  premium
           LIC, reported a 17% rise in third-quarter profit, helped by a fall in employee-  payment process.
           related expenses.                                                   Through Bima-ASBA, policyholders can
           LIC's profit after tax rose to Rs 11,056 crore ($1.26 billion) for the quarter  opt  for  UPI’s  One-Time  Mandate
           ended December 31 from 94.44 billion rupees a year earlier. Employee  (OTM) and authorise the blocking of a
           compensation and welfare expenses dropped 30% to Rs 6,691 crore.    specified amount, i.e up to Rs 2 lakh,
                                                                               in  their  bank account  via  UPI. The
           LIC's policy sales in the quarter were under pressure due to new regulations,
                                                                               amount will be debited only after the
           which reduced the charges policyholders paid if they closed their policies
                                                                               insurance  company  completes  the
           before maturity. The insurer had boosted sales before the norm changed  underwriting process and decides to
           from October.
                                                                               accept the proposal.
           Its net premium income dropped 9% to Rs 1.07 trillion, driven by a 24% fall  If the  application  is  not  processed
           in single premiums and a 14% decline in first-year premium collection.
                                                                               within  a  period  of  14  days  or  the
           Solvency ratio, the measure of an insurer's ability to meet its long-term  proposal is not accepted, the blocked
           financial obligations, rose to 2.02 during the quarter from 1.93 a year earlier  amount is automatically released back
           and 1.98 in the prior quarter.                                      to the customer.

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