Page 12 - The Insurance Times March 2025
P. 12

curbs, which include mandatory capi-  to the Union Cabinet for its approval,  Expect insurance mis sell
         tal infusion and curtailed incentives for  Financial  Services  Secretary  M
         top bosses.                        Nagaraju said.                     norms soon
                                                                               RBI has said that it will introduce new
         The regulatory crackdown follows a  "Finance Minister has already given
         sharp rise in commission expenses af-  her approval and announced in the  guidelines to address mis-selling and
         ter the removal of product-specific  Budget. Now we will prepare a draft  forced selling of insurance. Addition-
         commission caps in April 2023. Life in-  bill with the help of the law ministry,"  ally, it has granted regulatory relief to
         surers reported a 22% increase in com-  he said in an interaction with media  banks by postponing proposed regula-
         mission payouts, while general insurers  here.                        tions on liquidity requirements, provi-
         saw their expenses double in FY24,  Thereafter, the draft bill will be sent to  sions for potential defaults, and rules
         according to the IRDAI annual report.                                 concerning subsidiaries. Instead, RBI
                                            the Cabinet for approval.          will adopt a consultative approach be-
         Total management expenses in the life                                 fore implementing these regulations.
         insurance sector reached Rs. 1.4 lakh  The intent of the Department of Finan-
                                            cial Services (DFS) is to get the bill in-
         crore in FY24, accounting for 16.94%  troduced during the current Budget Insurers submit IPO plans
         of total premiums.
                                            session, he said.                  to IRDAI
         In April 2023, the regulator had im-
         posed limits on such expenses to curb  "This enhanced limit will be available  Nine insurers including HDFC Ergo and
                                            for those companies which invest the
         competition for market share and im-                                  SBI General have submitted their plans
         prove financial discipline. While the  entire premium in India. The current  for initial public offering to the IRDAI,
         new guidelines allow insurers flexibility  guardrails and conditionalities associ-  following the regulator's push for them
                                            ated with foreign investment will be  to get listed.
         in managing expenses, over 20 insur-
         ers have breached the limit.       reviewed and simplified," she had said.  The IRDAI had asked 10 large insur-
                                            So far, the insurance sector has at-  ance companies, also including Bajaj
         Draft Bill seeking 100% FDI        tracted Rs 82,000 crore through FDI.  Allianz Life, Bajaj Allianz General, Tata

         in insurance to be sent to         To enhance the FDI limit, the govern-  AIA, and Tata AIG General Insurance,
                                            ment will have to bring amendments  to submit listing plans by the first week
         cabinet                            to the Insurance Act 1938, the Life  of February. While nine have now sub-
         The finance ministry will soon send the  Insurance Corporation Act 1956, and  mitted their plans, one has asked for
         draft bill seeking to increase FDI limit  the Insurance Regulatory and Develop-  time until later this month to submit
         in the insurance sector to 100 per cent  ment Authority Act 1999.     its proposal, the person said.
                                                                               It will now conduct a review of the
                                                                               plans before determining  the  next
           IRDAI takes 856 regulatory actions in FY24                          steps. Established insurers may take at
           IRDAI, took 856 regulatory actions, including penalties against insurers, in  least four quarters to complete the
           FY24, the government informed the Rajya Sabha.                      process, while newer players or those
           In reply to a question, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that IRDAI  requiring additional approvals could
           regularly monitors insurers through supervisory oversight, such as off-site  need six quarters or more, the person
           and on-site inspections, to check solvency ratios, governance practices and  said.
           financial health.                                                   The regulator had initially engaged in-
                                                                               surers in informal discussions before
           In her statement, the finance minister said that regular risk assessments
           and compliance audits are also conducted by insurance companies as per  requesting formal, board-approved
                                                                               plans.  "The  IRDAI  will  now  review
           IRDAI Regulations.
                                                                               these  proposals,  with  insurers  ex-
           Sitharaman noted that if IRDAI has reasons to believe that an insurer car-  pected to work towards their  IPOs
           rying on life insurance business is acting in a manner likely to be prejudicial  over the next six months to three years,
           to the interests of policyholders, it may, after giving the insurer an opportu-  depending on regulatory approvals
           nity to be heard, appoint an Administrator to manage the affairs of the  and market conditions," the person
           insurer under the direction and control of the Authority.           said.

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