Page 11 - The Insurance Times March 2025
P. 11


                                                                               ment for which regulators may (or may
           1st phase of Bima Sugam likely to be rolled out mid-                not) permit certain relaxations for the
           2025                                                                limited purpose of the testing.
           The first phase of Bima Sugam - an ambitious project of the insurance regu-  Further, regulations on maintenance of
           lator to create an Amazon-like one-stop digital platform for buying, selling,  information by the regulated entities
           and servicing insurance policies - is expected to be rolled out in the mid of  and sharing of information too have
           this year instead of April announced earlier, a source privy to the develop-  been consolidated by the regulator.
           ment said.
                                                                               The regulation mandates electronic
           In June of 2024, the IRDAI chairman Debasish Panda had said that the first  record-keeping with robust security
           phase of the project will be launched in April 2025.                and privacy measures, and requires
           The idea, initially proposed by the insurance regulator in 2022, has missed  regulated entities to adopt data gov-
           several projected launch dates, including January 2023, June 2024, August  ernance framework and implement
           2024, and April 2025.                                               board-approved  policies for  record
           Often hailed as the UPI moment for the insurance industry, Bima Sugam is
           going to be a public digital infrastructure, keeping the policyholder at the  It also sets guidelines for sharing con-
                                                                               fidential information; and mandates
           core to offer an end-to-end journey of the lifecycle of the product and be-
                                                                               data to be held in data centres located
                                                                               and maintained in India only.
           The platform's aim is to democratize insurance in India, potentially becom-
                                                                               IRDAI also notified IRDAI (Meetings)
           ing the first of its kind globally.
                                                                               Amendment Regulations, 2025; IRDAI
                                                                               (Insurance  Advisory  Committee)
          IRDAI  widens  scope  of          be issued through a master circular,  (Amendment) Regulations, 2025; and
                                            Insurance Regulatory and Develop-  IRDAI (Re-Insurance Advisory Commit-
          sandbox  framework  to            ment Authority of India (IRDAI) said in  tee) (Amendment) Regulations, 2025.
          fuel innovation                   a statement.
          IRDAI has expanded the scope of regu-  "A notable addition is an enabling pro- Insurers  in  breach  of
          latory sandbox framework to encour-  vision to file Inter-Regulatory Sandbox  guidelines on expenses of
          age proposals that foster innovation,  proposals, cutting across more than
          improve efficiency and ease of doing  one financial sector," the regulator management face curbs
          business.                         said.                              IRDAI recently directed insurers found

          The IRDAI (Regulatory Sandbox) Regu-  Regulatory sandbox usually refers to  to be in breach of its expenses of man-
          lations, 2025 is now more of principle-  live testing of new products or services  agement (EoM) guidelines to submit a
          based whereby operational aspects will  in a controlled/test regulatory environ-  glide path for compliance while facing

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