Page 20 - Banking Finance April 2020
P. 20




         Bill passed in Assembly to         and Maharashtra Cooperative Bank   several authorities regarding expedi-
                                            Limited was placed under All-Inclusive  tious security sale and loan recovery.
         put on hold cooperative            Directions under sub-section (1) of Sec-

         bank         elections        in   tion 35 A read with Section 56 of the  Rupee Co-operative Bank
         Maharashtra                        Banking Regulation Act, 1949 with ef-  granted another extension
                                            fect from close of business for six
         With the aim of amending the       months due to under-reporting of bad  from RBI for banking li-
         Maharashtra Co-operative Societies  loans.
         Act 1960 has been passed in the As-                                   cense
         sembly, which has given the govern-  "The RBI, in consultation with various  The RBI has granted another exten-
         ment an upper hand in terms of deter-  stakeholders and authorities, is trying  sion to Rupee Co-operative Bank, Pune
         mining the elections to the 21 district  to work out a scheme for revival of the  for its banking license till May 31,
         cooperative banks. According to sched-  bank. In order to take this forward, it  2020.
         ule, the elections are supposed to be  is considered necessary to extend the
         completed between April and June   aforesaid Directions for a further pe-  As on January 31, a deposit of Rs
         2020.                              riod of three months," the RBI said in  1,289.18 crore has been reported by
                                            a statement.                       bank. It paid Rs 350.58 crore to
         Cooperative Minister Balasaheb Patil                                  88,693 to those depositors who are
         said, "The government has taken a  Under the restrictions, withdrawal  needy under Hardship Scheme of the
         decision to put on hold cooperative  limitation will be applicable on the the  RBI since February 2013. It must be
         bank elections because of the ongoing  bank's depositors, while the bank itself  pointed out that since February 2013
         loan waiver process for farmers. Under  has been barred from renewing, or  the bank was placed under RBI direc-
         the Act, the government has the right  granting any loans, or making invest-  tives.
         to take such a decision if there are  ments without prior approval of the
         natural calamities."               central bank.                      Sudhir Pandit, chairman of the board
                                                                               of administrators said, "The joint pro-
         RBI Extends Regulatory             As have been observed, the directions  posal for merger of Rupee Bank with
         curbs on PMC Bank until            were modified from time to time. Re-  MSC Bank, mutually agreed by both
                                            serve Bank has been keeping a close  the banks envisaging 'no loss' to the
         June 22                            watch on the situation and conducting  depositors has already been submitted

         The RBI has made an extension to the  meetings with the Administrator and  to RBI. The proposal is presently under
         regulatory restrictions on Punjab and  the Advisory Committee of the bank.  scrutiny and evaluation of the RBI, he
         Maharashtra Cooperative (PMC) Bank                                    said, adding that both the banks are
         for until June 22. In September, Punjab  The RBI has also been discussing with  following up the issue with RBI."  The

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