Page 23 - Banking Finance April 2020
P. 23


         the amounts rightfully payable to it on  products to avoid the distributor chan-  12 years for getting stuck
         an appreciation of the evidence placed  nel from being tracked. The division
         on record”. The court also pointed out  Bench asserted that there was no  in legal knots
         that its role in appeals against awards  prima facie case against the opposite  An arbitration which was caught in le-
         was limited. A court reviewing an ar-  parties.                       gal knots for 12 years will start now
         bitral award under the Arbitration Act                                after the Division Bench of the Bombay
         does not sit in appeal over the award,  Calcutta HC declares for-     high court set aside the order of the
         it quoted the Supreme Court. If the                                   single judge bench. In this case,
         view taken by the arbitrator is possible,  feiture should not be ‘pu-  Antikeros Shipping corporation vs
         no interference is called for.     nitive or extortionist’            Adani Enterprises, the Liberian ship-
                                                                               ping company alleged fuel supplied by
                                            The Calcutta High Court declared that
         Delhi HC lifts the injunc-         though an employer of a work con-  the Indian firm did not meet the quan-
                                                                               tity and quality promised.
         tion passed against one            tract can impose a condition of forfei-
         set of direct sellers against      ture, it should be reasonable, not “pu-  It invoked arbitration but there were
                                            nitive or extortionist”. A government  several questions involved like whether
         another                            company that calls for tender has an  it was domestic or international arbi-
         A division Bench of the Delhi High  additional duty to strike a balance  tration and whether the high court
         Court has lifted the injunction passed  while forfeiting the earnest deposit,  could name an arbitrator when one
         against one set of direct sellers against  the judgment stated in the case RBL  party does not appoint its nominee.
         another, all top companies. Earlier, a  Infrastructure vs Rites.      The disputes lasted seven years, but
         single judge Bench had imposed the                                    the single judge condoned the delay
         restriction on one group, which    In this case, Damodar Valley Corpora-  and passed an order favourable to
         claimed to be direct selling entitles in  tion engaged Rites for a road project.  Adani.
         terms of the Model Framework for   The latter called tenders and RBL bid
         Guidelines on Direct Selling on e-com-  for it. However, it had concealed some  The shipping company appealed to the
         merce platforms.                                                      division Bench, which made certain in-
                                            factors in the acceptance document,
                                                                               teresting remarks about Adani’s ap-
                                            which was a breach of the terms of the
         Three appeals were by Amazon seller                                   peals, comparing them to “arrows”
                                            offer. Rites, therefore, attempted to
         Services against Amway India,                                         and “torpedoes”. While imposing Rs. 5
                                            forfeit the entire Rs. 50 lakh deposit,
         Oriflame India, and Modicare. Two of                                  lakh as legal costs on it, the judgment
                                            which led to the writ petition.
         the appeals were by Cloudtail India                                   remarked: “The torpedo fired by the
         against Amway and Oriflame, respec-                                   respondent is declared to be a dud and
                                            The court stated that there indeed
         tively. The sixth appeal was Snapdeal’s                               it sinks without hitting its target.”
                                            was an enforceable agreement and
         against Amway. An illustration of the
         cause of the internecine legal battle  the breach is “established and unques-  SC denounces govt and its
                                            tionable” but Rites did not suffer any
         was that Amways’ products were be-                                    companies for fighting le-
         ing sold on various online portals or  substantial loss on account of that
         mobile apps and wholesale and retail  fault. Forfeiture should not lead to a gal battles
         shops illegally at unwarranted dis-  “windfall” for the government entity.  Though the Supreme Court has de-
         counts, resulting in a decline in the  It should not unjustly enrich itself, es-  nounced the practice of government
         sales of the Amway’s direct sellers.  pecially because “contractors have,  and its companies fighting legal battles
                                            per force, to apply for obtaining work  in courts, there is yet another judg-
         The further allegation was that such  from government employers”.     ment from the Gujarat High Court de-
         unauthorized sellers were removing                                    ciding a customs dispute between
         the unique code imprinted on Amway Arbitration to start after         ONGC and the Central Government.

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