Page 27 - Banking Finance April 2020
P. 27



         RISKS AND





         L       ike every other industry in the world right now, our  A liquidity crisis is not the only thing that is keeping the

                 banking industry is reeling under the effect of the
                                                              industry veterans up at night. Will there be a paradigm shift
                 Covid-19 pandemic too. To be sure, I believe the
                                                              in the way the global industry operates soon? No one has a
                 global financial industry is in a much better position
                 to brace this impact than it was in 2008 in the wake  clear answer but I am sure some of these ideas are here to
         of the global financial crisis.
         Several bankers around us are anticipating a liquidity crunch  The Bailout
         in the aftermath of the pandemic. This, in turn, will get  Not only will the immediate impact from the pandemic be
         passed to the general population in terms of pay-cuts,  substantial but experts are unanimously forecasting an
         delayed salaries, etc.                               economic downturn that is bound to follow.
         Instead of worrying about the impending dent that this may  To lessen the economic pressure on financial institutions
         cause to the world economy, financial institutions need to  faced with the Coronavirus adversity, governments all over
         innovate to manage this crisis and minimize the losses for  are coming to the rescue with the help of aid programs.
         the economy.
                                                              Generous packages are being rolled out to bail out the
                        About the author                      industry in its moment of stress.
                                                              Germany has announced an aid package that amounts to
                         Abhishek Rungta                      822 billion Euros - about 26 percent of the country's annual
                         The Founder & CEO of Indus Net       GDP.
                         Technologies, an award winning full
                         stack digital enterprise.  A noted Thought  What's more, the German government has already
                         Leader   and   renowned   Industry   committed to more financial assistance if required.
                         Influencer, he is the current President of  The UK Treasury has announced a package to the tune of
                         TIE, Kolkata.                        330 billion Euros or about 15 percent of its annual GDP. The

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                                APRIL | 2020 | 25
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