Page 30 - Banking Finance April 2020
P. 30


         offered by the these investments  and regulators suddenly  3. XRP (XRP) $11.7bn
         woke up to the challenges and opportunities posed by these  4. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) $4.1bn
         new form of virtual currencies which had the potential to
                                                              5. Tether (USDT) $4.1bn
         uproot the authority of the central banks as the issuer of
                                                              6. Litecoin (LTC) $3.6bn
         currency and overhaul the financial system.
                                                              7. EOS (EOS) $2.9bn
         The advent of disruptive technology and its acceptance has  8. Binance Coin (BNB) $2.4bn
         thrown many challenges and opportunities in so far as the  9. Bitcoin SV (BSV) $1.5bn
         financial ecosystem is concerned. In hindsight we know that
                                                              10. Stellar (XLM) $1.2bn
         in the digital age we need to embrace technology and work
                                                              (Data taken from Yahoo Finance)
         with it to develop a more inclusive and efficient financial
         system but the sudden surge of crypto currencies and their
                                                              The benefits of virtual currencies are many including ending
         acceptance has caught the government agencies napping
                                                              the dispute of artificial promotion of exports by some
         and like all the good initiatives the use of virtual currencies
                                                              countries by devaluing their currencies. The world could
         is now associated more with the grey market, terrorism and
                                                              become one financial nation with the same currency and it
         crime. The end result is that instead of focusing on
                                                              could solve the problem of exchange rate fluctuations and
         developing the crypto currencies and harnessing its potential
                                                              could facilitate inter movement of goods between countries
         we are more focused on how to prevent its misuse.
                                                              and reduce tariffs.
         In recent years after the initial success of Bitcoin there has
                                                              Bank's earn their income by the net interest margin between
         been a number of virtual currencies like Dodgecoin, Etherum
                                                              the cost of deposits and the rate on advances. Though there
         and others however all of them seem to derive their value
                                                              are many other streams of revenue of banks the primary
         through Bitcoins. Blockchain Technology or Virtual currencies
                                                              source of income is by way of commission be it in core
         or crypto currencies are mined though a computer program
                                                              activity or in ancillary activities like cross selling. The use of
         through the use of high capacity computers and the quantity
                                                              blockchain technology with its zero transaction costs could
         of the virtual currency that can be mined is dependent on
                                                              change the financial landscape forcing banks to adapt to the
         the underlying computer program.
                                                              new reality or let go the business.
         The most valued currency of all Bitcoin is limited in numbers
         and can be mined only upto a specific quantity which is the  Each borrower could borrow directly from the public
         reason why there has been such an increase in its value. The  although the credit risk could limit its use however many of
         more bitcoin is minded the more difficult it becomes to mine  the creditworthy borrowers may try to take the direct route
         the subsequent unit of it. Some other currencies that can  and save on the cost of borrowing, also with the borrowing
         be mined unlimited number of times limits the appreciation  and lending in retail segment being on the path of largely
         that can be gained because the currency is unlimited.  technology driven with the credit score and online footprint
                                                              of an individual deciding his credit worthiness the credit risk
         Beginning with the largest, the top 10 crypto currencies are  of an individual could easily be assessed by a lending entity
         currently Bitcoin ($BTC), Ethereum ($ETH), XRP ($XRP),  on a blockchain network.
         Bitcoin Cash ($BCH), Tether ($USDT), Litecoin ($LTC), EOS
         ($EOS), Binance Coin ($BNB), Bitcoin SV ($BSV) and Stellar  We must also bear in mind that what was considered
         ($XLM). The aggregate value of the top 10 crypto currencies  impossible earlier in the field of banking is a reality today
         (as of 8th October 2019, 14:00) is $194bn which is a decrease  like mobile banking and so there is high probability that if
         of $88bn since 8th July 2019.                        and when the blockchain network gains traction there would
         1. Bitcoin (BTC) $147.3bn                            be advent of technologies that could make banking plausible
         2. Ethereum (ETH) $19.4bn                            with blockchain.

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