Page 35 - Banking Finance April 2020
P. 35


         Y   The complain can be made by the complainant or the  Y  After receiving the award, the complainant have to send
             authorized representative (except advocate) of      acceptance of award to the service provider concerned
             complainant.                                        within 30days  otherwise the award have no effect.
         Y   Any complain forwarded by Govt.of India or RBI will also  Y  After receiving the acceptance of award by
             be considered for redressal by Ombudsman of Digital  complainant, the service provider have to comply the
             Transactions.                                       award within 30 days.
         Y   The complain must have following details:
             o   The name and address of complainant          Appeal
             o   The name and address of head office/branch of  Y  The Appellate Authority for the award is Deputy
                 service provider                                Governor, RBI (In-Charge of the Deptt.of Ombudsman
             o   Facts /reason of complain with all available    of Digital Transactions).
                 documentary evidence                         Y   Appeal against the award can be made to Appellate
             o   The nature &  extent of loss with relief sought for  Authority within 30 days from the date of receipt of
             o   No fee or charge is payable for the filling of  communication of award/rejection of complaint.
                 complain                                     Y  Any one of parties  of complain, can go to Appellate
                                                                 Authority against the redressal  of the complain .
         System of Redressal of complain
                                                              Y  The Appellate Authority  shall, after giving the
         The Ombudsman of Digital Transactions will send notice to
         all parties after receiving the complain. The Ombudsman go  reasonable opportunity to parties
                                                                 a. Dismiss the appeal.
         through the re-presentation/evidence of parties and will try
         to resolve the dispute though                           b. Allow the appeal and set aside the award.
         Y   Settlement by agreement between parties.            c.  Modify the award and pass a new direction/order.
         Y   Settlement by conciliation and mediation between    d. Refer the matter to Ombudsman of Digital
             parties.                                                transaction for fresh disposal.
         Y   Passing an award as per the provision of scheme.
         Y   The maximum award amount is Rs20.00 lakhs.       Disclaimer:
         Y   In addition to this Ombudsman can award Rs1.00 lakh  Information from various publics sources have been utilized
             for the loss, expenses and mental harassment.    for writing this article. T

            PFRDA to add 1-1.2 mn subscribers by end of FY20, says chairman

           Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority of India is expected to add around 10-12 lakh new subscribers to
           its two pension schemes in the current fiscal ending March, newly-appointed Chairman Supratim Bandyopadhyay said.By
           March-end, the pension fund regulator, which runs Atal Pension Yojana (APY) and National Pension System (NPS), is
           expected to have nearly 3.48-3.50 crore subscribers on board. Total number of subscribers under the two schemes
           were around 3.38 crore as of February 22, 2020.

           "By the end of the fiscal if you look at APY, there may be another close to 8-10 lakh additions and another 1-1.5 lakh
           for NPS. So all taken together, around 10-12 lakh new customers should join our fold by March-end," Bandyopadhyay
           said. Total asset under management (AUM) for these 337.63 lakh subscribers stood at Rs 4,21,336 crore as on Febru-
           ary 22, 2020, according to the PRFDA data.

           Bandyopadhyay, who took charge on February 21, 2020, was the Whole Time Member (Finance) in the PFRDA for two
           years. Earlier to this, he was with the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) for around three-and-a-half decades. He is a
           science graduate and a qualified Chartered Accountant.

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