Page 37 - Banking Finance April 2020
P. 37


         fastest growing nations in the world. The mixing of  Growing influence of industrialists in Government is meant
         Capitalism with politics led to the development of Crony  to ease the mobility of public funds from banks. The public
         capitalism. The paradigm shift to capitalism made the  sector banks which are under the control of Government of
         industrialists the centerpiece in the decision making process  India are channeling the public money collected in the form
         of the country.                                      of deposits from general public to the industrialists of the
         Growing importance of the moneyed interest groups in the
         country not only influenced the economy but also     These public sector banks are like sitting lame ducks which
         surreptitiously influenced the political culture of the country.  have no other option but to fund these industrialists on the
         The political parties are relentlessly trying to strike a balance  directions of the politicians elected to run the Government.
         between capitalism and socialism by making pro-poor
         agendas in election manifestos, but when elected to form  The aggressive lending practices of 2004 proved started
         Governments, got entangled in the cobwebs of crony   to backfire with the advent of Global depression of
         capitalism. The invisible hands of the industrialists are not  2008 which jolted the performance of corporate sector,
         only exerting influence on the policies taken by the  thereby increasing non-priority sector NPA (comprising of
         Government but also playing a role of kingmaker in the  big industrial loans) of public sector banks from 2009
         general elections of the country.                    onwards.

                            Table I: Priority and Non-Priority sector NPAs of PSBs in India
                                                                                  (Amount in billion as on March 31)

           Years         Priority Sector         Non-Priority Sector          Public Sector       Total Amount
                     Amount       Percentage   Amount      Percentage     Amount      Percentage
           2003        168.86       47.10        184.02       51.33         10.87        2.06         528.07
           2004        167.05       47.74        178.95       51.14          6.10        1.22         501.49

           2005        153.36       46.75        170.62       52.01          5.92        1.24         476.22
           2006        149.22       51.78        132.27       45.90          8.55        2.07         413.70
           2007        225.19       57.96        156.03       40.16          7.32        1.88         388.54
           2008        248.74       61.48        150.07       37.10          5.74        1.42         404.56

           2009        242.01       53.75        205.28       45.59          2.97        0.66         450.26
           2010        304.96       50.89        291.14       48.58          3.14        0.52         599.24
           2011        401.86       53.82        342.35       45.85          2.43        0.32         746.64
           2012        557.80       47.57        588.26       50.17         26.56       2.27         1172.62

           2013        672.76       40.91        960.31       58.39         11.55       0.70         1644.61
           2014        798.99       35.16       1472.35       64.79          1.30       0.06         2272.64
           2015        966.11       34.69       1815.98       65.21          2.59       0.09         2784.68
           2016       1258.09       23.30       4141.48       76.70         34.82       0.64         5399.57

           2017       1609.42       23.50       5237.91       76.50       154.66         2.26        6847.32
           2018       1875.11       20.94       7080.90       79.06       173.88         1.94        8956.07
         Source: Department of Banking Supervision,RBI.
         Note: Data is for inclusive of Domestic & Global Operations of Banks

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