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         from 2123 donations  of which donations to BJP alone  Further in the budget of 2017-18, the Union Government
         amounted to Rs.532.27 crores from 1197 donations,    came with a new and an innovative instrument of political
         comprising of almost 90.31% of the donations received by  funding, popularly known as 'Electoral bond scheme'. The
         national political parties.                          electoral bond is a bearer bond in the nature of a promissory
                                                              note issued by selected branches of SBI in multiple of
              Table VII: Amount of donation (above            Rs.1000, Rs.10,000, Rs.1,00,000, Rs.10,00,000 and
          Rs.20000) declared by National Parties for the      Rs.1,00,00,000 for a period of 10 days in the month of
                                                              January, April, July and October but in the year of Lok sabha
             Financial Year 2015-16 and 2016-17 and
                                                              election an additional 30 days will be specified by Central
               Growth in funding over the 2015-16             Government.  The bond has tenure of 15 days and whatever
           National 2015-16      2016-17       Growth in      money received through sale of these bonds will be credited
           Parties  Amount       Amount        funding over   to account of registered political party which has polled one
                   (Rs. in crores) (Rs. in crores) 2015-16*   percent of the vote in the state or national election.
           BJP     76.85         532.27         593%
                                                              This scheme not only bypassed the existing RTI Act but also
           INC     20.42         41.9           105%          paved way for large scale anonymous donations via electoral
           NCP     0.71          6.34           793%          bonds as the identity of the donors and recipients remained
           CPM     1.81          5.25           190%          undisclosed. This will pave way for greater corporate
                                                              donations and reduce transparency in disclosing the source
           AITC    0.65          2.15           231%
                                                              of political funding. The biggest beneficiary of the electoral
           CPI     1.58          1.44           (9)%
                                                              bond scheme is the ruling BJP party as it bagged 94.5% of
         Source: ADR Report, 30th May 2018                    the bonds amounting to around Rs.210 crore of the total
         * Computed                                           222 crore bonds issued in March, 2018. The total voluntary
                                                              contribution to BJP stands at Rs.989 crores in 2017-18. The
         The donations received by BJP in the year 2016-17 rose by  known donations as per RTI Act amount to Rs.437 crore.
         593% over the previous year 2015-16. NCP registered  The coming years will prove that whether the electoral
         maximum increase of 793%. Donations to AITC increased  bonds will bring more opaqueness or more transparency in
         by 231%, INC and CPM registered an increase of 105% and  the electoral funding scheme as claimed by the ruling Union
         190% respectively. Only CPI registered a decline in donation  government.
         by 9%.
                                                              The absolute figures for BJP are quite large compared to
         Moreover it is seen that of the total donations received by  INC. The figures indicate that corporate houses are favoring
         National parties, corporate accounted for 708 donations  BJP more than INC as to have a stable Government which
         amounting to Rs.563.24 crores (95.56% of total donations).  will ease the doing of business and also the policies and
         The breakup of donations received by two largest national  reforms brought in by BJP are more in favor of corporate
         parties is as follows:                               sector. Since 2014 the policies like Make in India, Digital
                           Table VIII: The break up of donations received by BJP and INC

                       Total                 Corporate Sector                        Individual Sector
                                    No.of     Total          Percentage   No.of      Total         Percentage
                                    Donors    Donations      wise (%)*    Donors     Donations     wise (%)*
           BJP      Rs.532.27 cr    531       Rs.515.43 cr   96.84        663        Rs.16.82 cr   3.16
           INC      Rs.41.90 cr     98        Rs.36.06 cr    86.06        501        Rs.5.84 cr    13.94
         Source: ADR Report, 30th May,2018
         * Computed

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