Page 39 - Banking Finance April 2020
P. 39


         From 2014-15 to 31st December, 2017, Rs. 272558 crores  provide lion share of political funding via electoral trusts just
         of corporate loans have been written off by PSBs, which is  to remain apolitical. As per Rights to Information Act (RTI
         more than double the loan written off from 2007-08 to 2013-  Act) political parties are required to disclose donations
         14, Rs.121650 crores.  The total loan written off in 2017-18  received above Rs.20000 or more to the Election
         as the ICRA report published in The Indian Express article is  Commission and Income Tax Authorities.
         Rs.144093 crores. The stark contrast in writing off loans
         during the two periods indicates that from 2007-08 to 2013-  Hence a large part of donations remain undisclosed. Even
         14 the problem of bad loans was infectious but from 2014-  though these disclosures forms tip of the iceberg of political
         15 it has become acute and epidemic. So writing off in a  donations but still has enough venom to stir the minds of
         rampant manner was adopted to hide the reality.      readers.  ADR or Association of Democratic Reforms (a  NGO
                                                              formed by a group of Professors from IIM, Ahemadabad)
         Proposed FRDI Bill, 2017                             studied the political donations received by big national
                                                              political parties and published a report on 30th May, 2018.
         To deal with the above menace in the banking sector The
                                                              The following table indicates the amount of donations above
         Financial Resolution and Deposit Insurance Bill, 2017 was
                                                              Rs.20000 received by political parties in the year 2016-17.
         proposed to be passed in the winter session of the
         Parliament in 2017 but withdrawn by Government on 19th
         July, 2018 amid severe backlash from all corners of the  Table VI: Number and amount of donation
         country due to its controversial 'bail-in' clause. The 'bail-in' (above Rs.20000) declared by National Parties
         clause means the bank deposits which are bank liabilities will  for the Financial Year 2016-17
         stand to be cancelled if banks enter into deep financial
                                                               National Parties   Number of        Amount
         trouble. Passing of this bill will lead to paradigm shift in the
         meaning of survival of banks, from safety of depositors'                 Donations     (Rs. in crores)
         money to restoration of capital of banks.             BJP                  1194            532.27
                                                               INC                   599             41.9
         Moreover, failing banks will be recovered through     NCP                    22             6.34
         depositors' money rather than bailing out by Government.  CPM               200             5.25
         Thus the proposed FRDI Bill can be used as an instrument
                                                               AITC                   12             2.15
         for maintaining capital adequacy of banks during distressed
         times of public sector banks as of now caused due to  CPI                    96             1.44
         snowballing NPAs in corporate sector. This in turn will  Source: ADR Report, 30th May 2018
         provide an open window for bad corporate to willfully default
         in their loans and reducing their accountability for misusing  The total donations (donations above Rs.20000) received by
         of public fund. Further the common man will have to bear  national parties in the year 2016-17 is Rs.589.38 crores
         the burden of such default as it is the common mans' money
         which will get wiped off if bank defaults under the proposed
         new regime.

         Political funding by Corporate Houses
         Giving of favors to corporate by successive Governments
         knowingly or unknowingly lies in the fact that huge chunk
         of funding of the political parties comes from the corporate
         houses. Nowadays in every big election of the country, huge
         crores are spent by political parties during the campaign to
         show the strength and power of the parties and their
         leaders. Corporate houses with a view to run their business
         in a smooth manner and to have a stable Government

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