Page 36 - Banking Finance April 2020
P. 36



         IN THE AGE OF



         FROM INDIAN


                             Abstract                         till today whatever major policies taken by the Government
         The economic reforms of 1991 not only transformed the  related to financial system has benefitted more the
                                                              industrialists rather than the common people by easing the
         country economically but also changed the political outlook
         of the country. The country which had an inclination towards  flow of public money to corporate houses either directly or
                                                              indirectly. Directly by allowing Public sector banks to
         socialism slowly changed its stance towards capitalism. This
                                                              aggressively lend corporate sector or directing Public sector
         slowly paved the way for development of Crony capitalism
         culture in the Indian politics. Corporate donations to political  banks to write off bad corporate loans. The proposed FRDI
                                                              Bill was also a step taken by Union Government to create a
         parties are now seen as a symbol of growth and success of
         political parties. Thus the policies taken by Government will  future avenue to fuel in the public money to rescue the weak
                                                              PSBs by inserting the controversial 'bail-in' clause therein.
         be more pro-corporate rather than pro-people. From 2004
                                                              Moreover the issue of electoral bonds will further the interest
                        About the author                      of the corporate in decision making of the country as huge
                                                              anonymous corporate donations will be available to political
                       Aritra Ranjan Das                      parties. Thus a deep introspection for political parties is
                       Assistant Professor                    needed to cleanse the greedy political culture and check the
                       Dept. of Commerce                      all pervasive nature of the moneyed interest groups.
                       St. Xavier's College
                 Dr. Ram Prahlad Choudhary                    The opening up of doors of Indian economy in 1991 paved
                                     Professor                way for capitalism in India. The change proved to be
                              Dept. of Commerce               masterstroke in the coming years as it placed India in a path
                           University of Calcutta
                                                              of higher growth trajectory and India became one of the

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