Page 34 - Banking Finance April 2020
P. 34


         The digital transaction in volume term recorded a growth(Y  provider  for resolution/redressal   of the grievance. If
         to Y)  of  38.06 % during 2017-18 and 70.46% during 2018-  the  grievance is not redressed  by the service provider
         19.In value term the growth (Y to Y)is 17.51 % in 2017-18  or not replied within one month from the date of
         and 20.39% in 2018-19.It is excepted that the digital   complain or the complainant is not satisfied with the
         transactions will increase more than4 times from Rs.2069  redressal  of  complain then the complainant can file a
         cr in Dec-18 to Rs.8707 cr in Dec-2021. RBI also push for  complain with Ombudsman of Digital Transactions
         44% of debit card transaction on POS in next two years.  within 12 months from the date of  rejection/redressal.
                                                              Y  In exceptional cases, the Ombudsman can allow to
         Many non-banking  entity/organization come with state of  admit a complain within the limitation period under
         the art technology and  providing the facilities of transaction  Indian Limitation Act 1963 after the expiry of 12 months
         through digital platform. The main player of the digital  period.
         platform are Paytm,PhonePe,Google Pay,BHIM. As the
                                                              Y  If the complainant file a complaint on other forum like
         volume of digital transaction increases, the threat of digital  court, consumer court then he/she cannot file the
         fraud also increases. The number of complains, relating to
                                                                 complain to Ombudsman of Digital Transactions.
         fraud in digital transaction increased many fold.
                                                              Y  The complain must not be relating to dispute cover
                                                                 under sec.24 of Payment and Settlement Act
         In the public interest and in the interest of conduct of
                                                                 2007(dispute/complain between two or more service
         business relating to payment gateway, it is necessary to
         provide for a mechanism of speedy redressal of complaints  providers).
         against deficiency in services related to digital transactions.  Y  The complain does not relating to dispute between
         In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 18 of the  customers.
         Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007,  Reserve Bank  Y  The complain is not in vexatious or frivolous in nature.
         Of India formulated & implemented Ombudsman scheme
         for Digital Transactions  on 31-01-2019.             Basis of Complain
                                                              Y  The basis of complain regarding failure/delay of service
         Features                                                provider in loading the funds in e-wallet, crediting the

         Y   The scheme come in force from 31-01-2019.           fund in merchant's account, refund the amount within
                                                                 reasonable time.
         Y   The Ombudsman is an officer of RBI, in the rank of  Gen.
             Manager/Chief Gen. Manager  and appointment will be  Y  Non-transfer, failure to transfer the fund on instruction
             for a maximum period of 3 years.                    of customer.
         Y   The office of Ombudsman of Digital Transaction is  Y  Non-adherence to any other instruction of RBI.
             located in 21 centers across country.            Y  Failure in online fund transfer/credit in account.
         Y   Only the digital transaction complaint related to non-  Y  Unauthorized electronic fund transfer of customer.
             banking entity are taken by Ombudsman of Digital  Y  Fail to follow the stop-payment instruction of customer
             Transactions.                                       in time.
         Y   The digital transaction relating to banking  entity will  Y  Complain relating to UPI/Bharat Bill Payment System,
             be taken by Banking Ombudsman(Gen).                 fall within the preview of The Ombudsman of Digital
         Y   The non-banking entity cannot escape from the liability  Transactions.
             in case the transaction enabled on third party platform.
             It will be the responsibility of the payment service  Procedure of filling the complain with
             provider to resolve customer dispute arising out of such  Ombudsman of Digital Transactions
                                                              Y  The complainant after disposal/rejection of complain by
                                                                 service provider can file complain to Ombudsman of
         Pre condition of filling complain                       Digital Transactions within 12 months of disposal /
         Y   The complainant must first approach the service     rejection of complain by service provider.

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