Page 38 - Banking Finance April 2020
P. 38


            Graph I: Percentage of Priority and Non-priority sector NPAs of Public sector banks in India

         From 2006 to 2008 NPA in Non-priority sector started  the last 10 years except 2008-09, shows that the
         declining and NPA in Priority Sector spiked at an over  Government is guided by Crony Capitalistic policies.
         whelming rate (Graph I). Boom in the world economy
         coupled with aggressive lending to the industrial sector  Table II: Loans written off during 2007-08 to
         by the Public sector banks contributed to such steep decline     2013-14 (Rs. in crores)
         in Non-priority sector NPAs. The 'Global Financial crisis' in
                                                                            2007-08            8019
         2008 is the beginning of difficulty in debt servicing by
                                                                            2008-09            7461
                                                                            2009-10          11185
         Non-priority sector NPA started increasing from 2009               2010-11          17794
         onwards and the position of NPA in priority sector stood at        2011-12          15551
         Rs.557.80 billion and NPA in non-priority sector stood at Rs.      2012-13          27231
         588.26 billion of total NPA of Rs.1172.62 billion on 2012. In      2013-14          34409
         percentage terms also NPA in priority sector and non-priority      TOTAL           121650
         sector was 47.57% and 50.17% of total NPA (Table I).  This  Source:
         was the inception of distress in the Indian banking industry  and-finance/psu-banks-write-off-rs-55356-crore-in-six-
         and the distress continues till today and NPA in non-priority  months-bad-debt-4966594.
         sector in 2018 stood at Rs.7080.90 billion, 79.06% of total
         NPA of banking industry (Table I).                   Table III: Loans written off during 2007-08 to
                                                                          2013-14 (Rs. in crores)
         However, the shift of power in the Union Government in
         2014 has changed nothing because as instead of direct              2014-15          49018
                                                                            2015-16          57585
         funding to corporate sector practiced by the previous
                                                                            2016-17          81683
         government, the new government has directed the public
                                                                            2017-18         84272#
         sector banks to write off bad corporate loans from the
                                                                            TOTAL           272558
         books. This change was visible from 2008 onwards but from
         2014-15 it was practiced in a rampant manner. The    Source: Indiastat Database
         exponential write off of bad corporate loans by PSBs over  Note: # Upto 31st December, 2017.

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