Page 41 - Banking Finance April 2020
P. 41


         India were made to give much expected fillip to corporate
         sector. The historical move of Demonetization proved to be
         a blessing in disguise for Digital India move by Government.
         Further adoption of Goods and Service Tax also proved to
         be a boon for business sector. Thus the moves were all meant
         to assist the corporate sector.

         The erstwhile Government also provided benefits to the
         corporate houses by allowing PSBs to follow aggressive
         lending to corporate and restructuring of bad loans given
         to corporate houses. But  engineering of big scams like '2-G
         Spectrum scam', 'Mining scam', 'Coalgate scam' etc
         cancelled the licenses given for mining and telecom
         spectrum by Supreme Court of India.

         These cancellations of licenses caused huge losses for the  practiced by successive Governments. Further the fraudsters
         business houses forcing them to withdraw their support to  also make great escapes from the country without being
                                                              intercepted by the security agencies and reaching safe
         the Government. The scams brought downfall to the
         previous Government and swayed faith of corporate houses  havens which are beyond the jurisdictional limits of our
         from previous Government.  Hence both the successive
         Governments worked pro-corporate but the established 'big
         scam' tag became the USP(unique selling proposition) for Conclusion
         the preceding Government which brought its downfall and  Thus it is evident that Capitalism is good but becoming too
         made unpopular among corporate houses.               much capitalistic paves way Crony capitalism which is
                                                              detrimental to the welfare of the economy and country at
         Cracking the Zeal for Political funding              large. Today business houses are the most privileged section
         The reason for relentless funding spree of business houses  of the society as they are the most benefitted stakeholders
         to political parties is to ease the flow of funds from public  from the policies framed by the successive Government.
         sector banks to business houses.  Public sector banks which  However this fact is focused upon not to mala fide the honest
         are under full control of Government of India are bound to  businessman of the country or the Government but to but
         work under the direction of Government of India. The  to ignite the consciousness of the political parties who are
         business houses by playing the role of kingmaker from back  getting skewed in their vision by framing economic policies
         stages through funding of political parties gets access to the  which are benefitting only India Inc. but not the whole India.
         huge pool of public funds lying with PSBs.
                                                              Moreover the industrialists should be part of decision making
         Thus from planning level at the Government till the  but the elected people's representatives who will frame the
         executing level at the banks a well oiled machinery is set up  Government should have to be impartial in their decision
         to channelize the funds to corporate houses directly or  making. Crony capitalism will also increase the income-
         indirectly. The situation remains win-win for all the parties  wealth disparity in the country and widen the divide
         during the upswing in the economy but with the economy  between rich and poor sections of the society.  India being
         experiencing recession the economy goes into doldrums and  an agrarian economy, the focus of the Governments should
         the banking sector also faces the brunt of slowing economy  be to develop the living standard of farmers along with the
         coupled with dwindling performance of the corporate sector.  development of industries and technology.

         The emergence of the conman like Vijay Mallya and Nirav  Moreover giving farm loan waivers will only reap political
         Modi further aggravates the problem and exposes the  dividends but will not be a permanent solution to the
         frailties of economy imbibed by the fangs of crony capitalism  perennial problem of farmers. The unbiased decision making

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