Page 21 - Banking Finance April 2020
P. 21


         proposal is likely to speed up after  issues related to agriculture, the bank  where borrowers can avail the ben-
         March 31, 2020.                    was and will be there to help. All we  efits," she said.
                                            want is the farmer's passion in farm-
          "The board of administrators of Rupee  ing," said MS Jayachandran, president  "Meanwhile, we are in touch with our
         Bank is making all efforts to safeguard  of the bank.                 valuable customers through mail and
         the interests of its depositors since last                            messages.
         three years. RBI has taken a note of  Since January 2000, the bank has been
         these efforts by the board of adminis-  given the properties by the landown-  Cooperative banks in
         trators," Pandit said.             ers in the panchayat for the purpose
                                            of the farming for farming for free.  Kerala comes ahead to
         The bank has been successful in recov-  Presently, above 1,000 families under  help their members during
         ering Rs 338 crore during the adminis-  different self-help groups are involved  lockdown
         trative period. In this fiscal, till January,  in the bank's initiative that ranges
         the bank has reported recovery of Rs  from cultivation of paddy, fruits and  Local cooperative banks in Kerala are
         13.53 crore. An operating profit of Rs  vegetables, dairy and poultry farming  coming ahead to help its members who
         13.47 crore has also been reported by  and others.                    are facing economic hardship following
         the bank after all required provisions                                the national lockdown.
         as on January 31, 2020.            "Taking our initiative as a model for
                                            their project, K-DISC has started soft-  Besides offering interest-free loans and
         Pandit added that the bank expects  ware development. Like ours, the plat-  moratorium of two months on repay-
         recovery of Rs 20 crore during the year.  form will not be limited to sale of prod-  ment, some institutions are also ex-
         He added that the bank expects to gain  ucts but be involved in all phases of  tending financial support to their mem-
         operating profit of more than Rs 12  production," said Jayachandran.  bers for purchasing essential items
         crore in the current fiscal.                                          during the crisis period. At the same
                                            REPCO Bank to offer three          time, COVID-19 scare has forced an
         Kerala       Govt       adopts     months moratorium to               institution to put on hold its plan to
                                                                               launch a scheme for its members.
         Palliyakkal coop bank's            borrowers
         model to implement                 Chennai based Repatriates Coopera-  The Mulavukad Cooperative Bank had
                                                                               to postpone its scheme of offering a
         'Kerala Food Platform'             tive Finance and Development Bank  soft loan of Rs.5,000 each to its mem-
                                            (Repco Bank) is making a policy to give
         Kerala Finance Minister TM Thomas                                     bers following reports of a COVID-19
                                            benefits to its borrowers who have
         Isaac has announced the implementa-                                   case from a nearby panchayat.
                                            taken term loans or any other loans
         tion of 'Kerala Food Platform' all over  from the bank.
         the state. The Kerala Food platform is                                The scheme envisaged granting inter-
         an online platform for procuring and  Repco Bank MD R S Isabella said, "We  est-free loans for 12 months with a
         marketing farm yields on the lines of  welcome the move of RBI. Presently,  moratorium of two months on repay-
         Uber.                              we are framing the policy to offer the  ment. Beneficiaries could repay loans
                                            three month moratorium to the bor-  in the remaining 10 months. The bank
         The platform is based on the success-  rowers who have taken term loans or  had earmarked Rs.25 lakh for the pur-
         ful integrated farming model that en-  any other loans from the bank".  pose. The bank will launch the scheme
         sured that the bank was helping farm-                                 shortly, according to its president M.A.
         ers at every stage of cultivation. "The  "In the three-month moratorium, bor-  Leo Paul.
         bank devised a strategy which helped  rowers would not have to pay any loan
         farmers at different phases, starting  EMI instalments, including principal  A majority of the 10,500 members of
         from funding to the marketing of prod-  and interest. Scores of small borrow-  the bank are daily wagers, and the
         ucts. Be it providing loans or land, ex-  ers are associated with as our bank.  national lockdown has rendered them
         tending technical support or any other  We will put the form over website  jobless, said Mr. Paul.

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