Page 7 - The Insurance Times September 2024
P. 7


                                                                               About 47 per cent of the vehicles ply-
           State-run non-life insurers returned to black in FY24               ing on Indian roads are uninsured,
           State-owned non-life insurers reported a combined net profit of Rs. 7,558  most of them being two-wheelers and
           crore in 2023-24 (FY24), compared to a loss of nearly Rs. 3,529 crore in FY23,  three-wheelers.
           Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Chaudhary said in a written response  However, "tracking the vehicles is very
           to a question in the Lok Sabha.
                                                                               difficult," observes Anil Aggarwal, MD
           Public-sector general insurers include New India Assurance Company, Ori-  and CEO. He wants the government to
           ental Insurance, United India Insurance, and National Insurance Company.  tighten the screws on uninsured ve-
           General Insurance Corporation (GIC Re) is the sole state-owned reinsurer in  hicles.  "After  all,  the  government
           the country. Agriculture Insurance Company is the public-sector agriculture  stands to gain by getting more in terms
           insurer.                                                            of GST revenue," Aggarwal told. The
                                                                               company, through the General Insur-
           This comes days after Department of Financial Services Secretary (DFS) Vivek
                                                                               ance Council, has given suggestions to
           Joshi indicated that the government had asked state-owned general insur-
           ers, who are struggling to improve their solvency ratio and profitability to  the government, such as making insur-
           move out of motor and health insurance segments. These two are identified  ance mandatory for filling fuel and pass-
                                                                               ing through toll plazas, but Aggarwal
           as significantly loss-making segments and moving out of these areas will help
                                                                               admitted that implementing these
           to strengthen the financial health and operational efficiency of the insurers.
                                                                               could be fraught with difficulties.
         GIC Re profit rises 41.61%         Shriram General on a hir-          Premiums of non-life in-

         in Q1                              ing spree, eyes uninsured          surers up 9.3% in July
         Public sector General Insurance Corpo-  vehicles for biz              The non-life insurance industry re-
         ration (GIC Re) has reported a 41.61
                                            Vehicle insurance dominates Shriram  ported a 9.28 per cent year-on-year (Y-
         per  cent  rise  in  net  profit  at  Rs.                             o-Y) increase in gross direct premium
         1,036.36 crore for the quarter ended  General Insurance Company's portfo-  underwritten in July 2024, aided by the
         June 2024 as against Rs. 731.79 crore  lio, accounting for 91 per cent of its
         in the same period a year ago. Gross  gross written premium of about Rs.  performance of standalone health in-
         premium  income increased  to  Rs.  3,700 crore.                      surers and specialised public sector
                                                                               undertaking (PSU) insurers, according
         12,405 crore in the June quarter as  Even as it is working towards reducing  to data released by the General Insur-
         against Rs. 8,917 crore a year ago.  the proportion of motor insurance in
         Underwriting loss was lower at Rs.  its overall business mix to 85 per cent,  ance Council.
         1,288.53 crore in the latest quarter as  by  stepping into crop,  health  and  The motor and health insurance seg-
         against Rs. 1,557.44 crore a year ago.  MSME sectors, the insurer is eyeing the  ments have been driving growth in the
         Solvency ratio improved to 3.36 from  vast uninsured vehicle population for  non-life insurance industry so far in
         2.88 last year.                    more business.                     FY25, industry experts said.

                                                                           The Insurance Times  September 2024  7
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