Page 10 - The Insurance Times September 2024
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ance buying process. By collaborating  according to data released by the Gen-  ing slower growth in premium collec-
          with industry leaders, the company is  eral Insurance Council. This represents  tions. For July 2024, the industry re-
          able to deliver tailor-made offerings  a 13.3% increase compared to the pre-  corded a total premium of Rs. 26,567
          that address the specific needs of di-  vious year. However, the growth in  crore, a 9% increase from July 2023.
          verse user groups in an inclusive man-  motor insurance has not kept pace  This growth rate is in single digits for
          ner.                              with the overall industry, with premi-  the second consecutive month, further
          As PhonePe continues to innovate and  ums increasing by only 11.9% to reach  highlighting the challenges faced by
          expand its offerings, it is poised to play  Rs. 21,348 crore.        the motor insurance segment.
          a crucial role in transforming the insur-  In comparison, health insurance has  Despite these trends, health insurance
          ance landscape in India, making essen-  seen a robust growth of 16.6%, bring-  continues to be the major driver of
          tial financial products available to a  ing in premiums of Rs. 29,915 crore.  growth  in  the  non-life  sector.
          broader segment of the population.  This surge has led to health insurance  Standalone health insurance compa-
                                            accounting for 41.1% of the total non-  nies have reported a 25% increase in
          Motor  Insurance  Share           life insurance premiums, a significant  premium income up to June 2024, re-
                                            increase from previous years. Mean-  flecting the strong demand for health
          Drops Below 30% for the           while, motor insurance's share has  cover.

          First  Time  Amid  Rising         slipped to 29.3%.                  Overall, the non-life insurance industry
          Health Insurance Premi-           Industry experts predict that the share  remains dominated by health and mo-
                                            of health insurance will continue to  tor insurance, which together account
          ums                               rise, driven by increasing demand and  for over 70% of total premiums. Other
          The share of motor insurance within  a growing awareness of health risks.  segments, such as property insurance
          the non-life insurance industry has  Conversely, motor insurance is ex-  (less than 10% of total premiums) and
          dipped below 30% for the first time, a  pected  to  remain  a  drag  on  the  crop insurance, personal accident, li-
          significant milestone reflecting the  sector's growth. The focus on new car  ability covers, and miscellaneous insur-
          ongoing slowdown in car sales. In con-  sales for motor insurance, driven by  ance (around 10% combined), continue
          trast, health insurance continues to  regulations requiring buyers to pur-  to play a smaller role in the industry.
          see rapid growth, outpacing other seg-  chase three to five years of cover
          ments in the non-life insurance sector.  upfront, has limited the segment's Chola MS General Insur-
                                            growth potential.
          As of the end of June 2024, the non-                                 ance       Partners       with
          life insurance industry had written pre-  Recent data also indicates that the  Mahindra Finance
          miums amounting to Rs. 72,758 crore,  non-life insurance industry is experienc-
                                                                               Chola MS General Insurance Company,
                                                                               a  joint  venture  between  the
           India Facing Escalating Climate Risks Amid Insurance                Murugappa  Group  and  Mitsui
           Hurdles: WEF                                                        Sumitomo Insurance Company Limited
           As climate change intensifies, vulnerable communities in India face increas-  of Japan, has announced a strategic
           ing risks. The widening insurance coverage gap prevents many from pro-  partnership with Mahindra Finance, a
           tecting their livelihoods against extreme weather.                  leading Non-Banking Finance Company
                                                                               in India. This collaboration aims to pro-
           Insurers face record underwriting losses, leading to higher premiums and  vide motor and other non-life insurance
           reduced coverage in high-risk areas. This leaves many without insurance,  solutions to over 10 million customers
           driving prices higher and shrinking the risk pool.
                                                                               of Mahindra Finance.
           Climate events impact nearly every aspect of India's economy. Agriculture,  Executives from both companies high-
           which comprises 15% of GDP and employs 40% of the population, is par-
           ticularly affected. Significant crop losses and economic damages highlight  lighted the partnership's potential to
           the need for climate resilience.                                    enhance their insurance offerings and
                                                                               expand their market reach. The col-
           By 2050, 45 million people may be forced to migrate due to climate change.  laboration aims to bring innovative and
           Insurers, policymakers, and stakeholders must collaborate to create solu-  reliable  insurance  products  to  a
           tions that protect vulnerable communities and support climate resilience.  broader customer base.

         10   September 2024  The Insurance Times
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