Page 12 - The Insurance Times September 2024
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a salary of Rs 1.46 lakh. To apply for
          these posts, first of all, one has to visit  IRDAI instructs insurance companies to upload poli-
          the IRDA website,     cyholders' KYC information to CKYCRR's website
          There are a total of 49 vacancies for  In an important instruction to insurance companies, regulator IRDAI said
          the post of Assistant Manager in the  that they will now have to upload the verified KYC information of existing
          Insurance Regulatory and Develop-   policyholders to the website of Central Records Registry (CKYCRR). The step
                                              has been taken to increase transparency and security of financial transac-
          ment Authority of India (IRDAI). Out of
          these, 21 vacancies are for the general  tions.
          category, whereas 4 vacancies are re-  At the same time, Sebi has also directed KYC Registration Agencies (KRAs) to
          served for the EWS category. Similarly,  upload KYC information of Capital Market Investors to CKYCRR by January 31,
          12 vacancies are reserved for OBC, 8  2025, from August 1, 2024. Under this, if insurance companies receive any
          for SC and 4 for ST.                update information in the KYC record of the existing policyholder from
                                              CKYCRR, they will have to get the KYC record from CKYCR and update it.
          There are five vacancies each for the
                                              CKYCRR is a KYC system that can be used in all financial transactions, such
          posts of actuary, finance, law, IT, and
          research in the Insurance Regulatory  as banks, mutual funds, stocks, insurance, and NPS. With this move of IRDAI,
                                              mutual fund distributors and insurance agents will be able to use each other's
          and Development Authority of India
                                              CKYC data, making the process of customer onboarding simpler and faster.
          (IRDAI), while 24 recruitments have
          come out for the post of generalist. For
          actuary,  the  candidate  must  be  a  Debasish Panda and Tapan Singhel,  policyholders. Based on premiums
          graduate  with  60  per cent marks.  Chairman, the GIC and MD & CEO of  managed, Medi Assist TPA’s market
          Apart from this, one should pass 7 pa-  Bajaj Allianz General Insurance.  share will increase to 36.6% in the
          pers of AIA in the year 2019.                                        group segment and 23.6% in the health
          For finance recruitment, one must IRDAI nods Medi Assist TPA         insurance business with the acquisition
          have at least 60 per cent marks in  to acquire 100% stake in         of Paramount TPA.
          graduation. Apart from this, courses                                 “Paramount TPA has performed really
          like ACA/CFA should also be there. For  Paramount TPA for 312 cr     well over the past years under Dr.
          IT posts, the candidate should have a  Medi Assist Insurance TPA, a wholly  Nayan  Shah’s  leadership.  We  are
          Bachelor of Engineering or Masters in  owned  subsidiary  of  Medi  Assist  thrilled that in its new home, Medi
          Computer degree. For research posts,  Healthcare Services is all set to acquire  Assist  TPA,  it  will  reach  greater
          the candidate should have a Master’s  100% stake in Paramount Health Ser-  heights,”  said  Gobinath Athappan,
          degree in Economics. For the post of a  vices & Insurance TPA, a well-known  Chairman & CEO, Fairfax Asia.
          generalist, the candidate should be a  TPA player owned by Fairfax Asia and
                                            the Shah family. This acquisition is a  This purchase is expected to leverage
          graduate with 60 per cent marks.
                                            significant step forward in the TPA in-  Medi Assist’s technology, automation
          IRDAI and GIC conclave:           dustry, cementing Medi Assist’s posi-  (AI/ML), and provider networks, posi-
                                            tion as a market leader. The deal is  tioning the merged company as a long-
          Task  force  formed  to           subject to usual closing conditions and  term  strategic  partner to insurers

          strengthen surety bond in-        Insurance Regulatory Authority of In-  (General, SAHI, and Life).
                                            dia (IRDAI) clearance.
          surance                                                              “Paramount TPA’s 28 years of leader-
                                            “The acquisition represents one of the  ship in the TPA industry stands testa-
          The Insurance Regulatory and Devel-  largest TPA deals in India, with an en-  ment to its success. Our COO, Atman
          opment Authority of India (IRDAI) and  terprise value of Rs 311.8 crore, and  Shah’s leadership, has been instrumen-
          the General Insurance Council (GIC)  equity value expected to exceed Rs 400  tal in the growth of the business. The
          convened a Surety Conclave on August  crore, subject to regulatory (IRDAI)  coming together of 2 leading TPAs will
          23. The regulatory bodies addressed  approvals,” Medi Assist Healthcare  go a long way in delivering on the
          the progress and challenges of the  Services said in a press release.  promise of Insurance for all by 2047.”
          surety bond market in India.      Paramount TPA works with 30 insurers,  said Dr Nayan Shah, MD Paramount
          The event was led by IRDAI Chairman  over 3,000 group customers, and retail  TPA.

         12   September 2024  The Insurance Times
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