Page 15 - The Insurance Times September 2024
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paper. "While unloading, we saw that  players, while private insurers grew by  ing to data presented in Parliament by
          a portion of the consignment was  13.5 per cent in Q1 FY25. The Group  the Union Ministry of Health and Fam-
          damaged. We wrote to the parties  Health segment saw a slight modera-  ily Welfare.
          concerned but there was little effect.  tion in growth at 15.4 per cent, with  The data shows that of the nearly 6.2
          The value of the consignment was Rs
                                            SAHI firms growing at 28.7 per cent  crore approved hospital admissions till
          8-10 crore," he added. The next hear-  and private multiline players at 22.2  January 2024, as many as 57.5 lakh
          ing is on Aug 12.
                                            per cent, according to a report by  were senior citizens aged 70 years and
          In the court, it was claimed that un-  Emkay Global Financial Services.  more. The government's expenditure
          less the vessel was detained, the suit  In Q1 FY25, the health segment ac-  for  treatments  under  the  scheme
          will become infructuous. It was submit-  counted for 41 per cent of the overall  reached a staggering Rs 79,200 crore
          ted  that  out  of  8,000  tonne  of  gross written premium income mix.  over the last six years till January 2024,
          bleached hardwood, kraft, pulp and
                                            Retail health made up about 14 per  of which Rs 9,878.5 crore was allo-
          acacia purchased, 1,312 tonne was
                                            cent, while group health comprised 27  cated to treat those who are 70 years
                                            per cent.                          and over.
          Justice Mukherjee clarified that if an                               The costs and number of admissions
          aggregated sum of Rs 7 crore to the  Government spent 14% of         frames the challenge for the BJP led
          credit of the suit as security is depos-                             government with one of the party's key
          ited with the court's registrar on or  funds  under  Ayushman        poll agenda being an ambitious expan-
          before Aug 12, the order of arrest will  Bharat on those over 70     sion of Ayushman Bharat to include all
          stand automatically vacated.
                                            years                              individuals over 70, irrespective of
          With       new       product      BENEFICIARIES AGED 70 years and    their economic status. This move is set
                                            more made up over 12 per cent of all  to add nearly 4 crore new beneficiaries
          launches, Chola MS eyes           admissions under the government's  to the program. At present, only the
          higher retail health insur-       flagship Ayushman Bharat health insur-  poor, who figure in the SECC data, are
                                            ance scheme, with their treatment  among t hose with access to the an-
          ance growth                       costs accounting for nearly 14% of the  nual Rs 5 lakh coverage under the

          Cholamandalam MS General Insurance  total expenditure till January, accord-  scheme.
          Co Ltd seeks to strengthen its focus on
          the retail health insurance business  Received Rs. 21,256 crore towards GST on health in-
          with the launch of new products soon.
                                              surance in 3 yrs: Govt
          "With the new product framework     Amid growing demand for a cut, if not removal, of GST on health and life
          now in place, we plan to introduce  insurance, government told Parliament that the levy fetched it Rs 21,256
          products targeting various segments,  crore during the last three financial years, with Rs 8,263 being collected
          including women's health, in the com-
                                              during 2023-24.
          ing months," said V Suryanarayanan,
          Managing Director of Chola MS.      Responding to a Parliament question, junior minister for finance Pankaj
                                              Chaudhary said another Rs 3,274 crore was received as GST from reissuance
          He  acknowledged  that  standalone  of health policies during last three years.
          health insurance (SAHI) players have
          experienced higher growth rates com-  The GST Council had fixed 18% rate when the new regime kicked in from
          pared  to  multiline  insurers  like  July 2017. According to the formula, the Centre collects 9% GST with a
          Cholamandalam. While SAHI compa-    matching collection by states. From the Centre's kitty, 41% is shared with
          nies have been growing at 24-25 per  the states in line with the devolution formula.
          cent,  multiline  players  have  seen  To a question on whether there is a demand from the industry for with-
          growth rates of 12-13 per cent in re-  drawal of service tax, Chaudhary said "representations have been received
          tail health.                        requesting for exemption or reduction in the rate of GST on life insurance
          The retail health segment experienced  and health insurance". GST rates and exemptions are prescribed on the rec-
          robust growth of 18.5 per cent, driven  ommendations of the GST Council, which is a constitutional body compris-
          by a 24.2 per cent increase for SAHI  ing representatives from both the Centre and the States/UTs, he added.

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