Page 20 - The Insurance Times September 2024
P. 20

'Aarohan' initiative will build on this by  last three financial years, with Rs 8,263  The company's annualized premium
         focusing  on financial security  and  crore  collected  in  2023-24.  An  equivalent  (APE)  sales,  a  crucial
         inclusion.                         additional Rs 3,274 crore was received  indicator of sales performance, surged
         The initiative includes health camps  from the reissuance of health policies  by 34.4% from the previous year. APE
         and digitalization efforts to support  during this period.            measures the annualized total value of
         customers comprehensively.  Chief  The GST Council had set an 18% rate  all  single  premium  and  recurring
         Distribution  Officer  Sumit  Madan  since  July 2017.  According  to  this  premium  policies,  offering  a
         emphasized that 'Aarohan' aligns with  structure, the Centre and states each  comprehensive view of sales activity.
         IRDAI's vision of 'Insurance for All by  collect 9%. From the Centre's share,  Market analysts have noted that a shift
         2047,' targeting rural and semi-urban  41% is distributed to the states based  towards low-margin market-linked
         regions.                           on the devolution formula.
                                                                               insurance plans, buoyed by strong
                                            There is a growing demand from the  equity  market  performance  and
         ICICI  Prudential  Life            industry to either exempt or reduce  increasing payouts, has placed pressure
         Insurance  AUM  Hits  Rs           GST on life  and health  insurance.  on life insurers' margins. During the
                                            Representations have been received  June   quarter,   Indian   equity
         3.14 Lakh Crore                    requesting  changes,  and  the  GST  benchmarks achieved record highs,
         ICICI  Prudential  Life  Insurance  Council, comprising representatives  driven by policy stability following the
         Company announced that its assets  from the Centre and states, prescribes  general  election  results  and
         under  management  (AUM)  have     GST rates and exemptions.          expectations  of  robust  economic
         reached Rs 3.14 lakh crore as of July  Certain insurance schemes targeting  growth.
                                            the poor and differently abled, like  The value for new business (VNB),
         The company has covered 9.84 crore  Rashtriya  Swasthya  Bima  Yojana,  representing the anticipated profit
         lives, with a total in-force sum assured  Universal Health Insurance Scheme,  from new policies, increased by 7.8%
         exceeding Rs 35 lakh crore.        Jan Arogya Bima Policy, and Niramaya
                                                                               to  4.72  billion rupees  in  the June
         The  milestone  highlights  the    Health Insurance Scheme, are exempt  quarter. However, the VNB margin
         company's growth and its commitment  from GST.                        decreased to 24% from 30% a year
         to providing robust insurance solutions  Following suggestions from politicians  earlier.
         to a wide customer base.           like Nitin Gadkari and TMC MP Derek
                                                                               ICICI Prudential Life's market-linked
                                            O'Brien, there is increasing political
         LIC  Launches  New  Term           pressure to reduce or remove GST on  savings segment now constitutes just
                                            health  and life  insurance. O'Brien  over half of its overall product mix, an
         Insurance Plans for Youth                                             increase from 38.8% a year ago. This
                                            highlighted the burden on the middle
         The Life Insurance Corporation of India  class and called for a reduction during  shift highlights the growing preference
         (LIC) has launched new term insurance  Parliament's zero hour.        for market-linked products among
         products aimed at youth: LIC's Yuva                                   consumers, reflecting broader trends
         Term/Digi Term and LIC's Yuva Credit  ICICI  Prudential  Life         in the insurance industry.
         Life/Digi Credit Life. These non-par,
         non-linked, individual pure risk plans Insurance Q1 Profit Rise
         provide financial protection and a  ICICI  Prudential  Life  Insurance,            Join
         safety net against loan repayments.  announced a substantial 9% increase
                                            in its profit for the first quarter, which  Online Certificate
         GST  on  Health  &  Life           ended on June 30. This growth was            Course on
                                            fueled by a robust demand for market-
         Insurance  Generates  Rs
                                            linked insurance products. The insurer's  Reinsurance
         21,000 Crore in Three Years        profit after tax rose to 2.25 billion
         The government informed Parliament  rupees ($26.9 million), compared to    For details please visit
         that GST on health and life insurance  2.07 billion rupees in the same quarter
         brought in Rs 21,256 crore over the  last year.

                                                                           The Insurance Times  September 2024  19
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