Page 22 - The Insurance Times September 2024
P. 22


          Aon publishes global in-          in certain high-risk sectors, where  Beyond this, there has been a rise in
                                            placement  outcomes  were  less    mandatory  requirements  in  many
          surance market insights for       favourable.                        countries for the purchase of student
          Q2 2024                           Aon noted that US casualty exposures,  travel insurance prior to study abroad.
          The global insurance market in the  both domestic and international, faced  Additionally, student mobility is rising,
          second quarter of 2024 continued its  increased scrutiny due to concerns  with many participating in educational
          growth trajectory, underpinned by  over reserve deterioration from previ-  programs, internships, and volunteer
          strong profitability reported by many  ous years and ongoing issues related  opportunities overseas. This has cre-
          insurers in 2023 and improvements in  to nuclear verdicts and adverse litiga-  ated demand for more tailored insur-
          the reinsurance sector.           tion trends.                       ance solutions specific to those stu-
          According to the latest report from  Risks with US exposure, particularly in  dents’ specific needs.
          Aon, the market remained focused on  heavy industries, experienced rate in-
          disciplined underwriting and pricing  creases, more restrictive terms and Global  marine  re/insur-
          strategies aimed at long-term profit-  conditions, and higher Umbrella at-  ance faces growing risks as
          ability and programme stability. In-  tachment points. In contrast, well-per-
          surer growth ambitions contributed to  forming risks and those without US  vessel size and complexity
          a competitive and well-capitalised en-  exposure generally benefitted from  increase
          vironment, with ongoing price mod-  healthy competition as insurers sought  The global marine insurance industry is
          eration, flexible underwriting, and the  growth opportunities.
                                                                               experiencing heightened risks due to
          availability of various coverage op-                                 the increasing size, value, and com-
          tions, particularly for preferred risk  Student travel insurance     plexity of vessels, according to Wang
                                            predicted to boom in the           Xing, senior marine underwriter at
          During Q2, competition driven by in-                                 Swiss Re Asia, in partnership with the
          surer  growth  ambitions  created next decade                        General  Insurance  Association  of
          favourable conditions in the Property  The worldwide student travel insur-  Singapore (GIA).
          market for many risks. The US market,  ance sector is expected to rise from a
                                                                               This growth in potential severity is lead-
          in particular, saw its most favourable  current value of $2.8 billion in 2024 to  ing to a significant impact on the mar-
          conditions in nearly seven years, with  $15.5 billion in 2032, according to a  ket, particularly when major losses
          pricing outcomes for desirable risks  report by Allied Market Research.  occur.
          ranging from single-digit increases to  The rise is being driven by a number of
          low double-digit decreases.                                          Data from the International Union of
                                            factors, including a general increase in  Marine Insurance (IUMI) underscores
          However,  market  conditions  were  awareness and demand for student  the substantial influence that major
          more challenging in regions such as the  travel insurance among students and
                                                                               losses have on the marine hull insur-
          Nordics, Brazil, and Mexico, as well as  educational institutions.
                                                                               ance market. From Underwriting Years
         20   September 2024  The Insurance Times
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