Page 19 - The Insurance Times September 2024
P. 19

Sources said the government, which
          holds 96.5 per cent stake in LIC, is  PNB MetLife Launches Bharat Manufacturing Fund
          weighing options such as a follow-on  in ULIP Segment
          public  offer  (FPO)  and  qualified  PNB MetLife India Insurance Company Limited has launched the Bharat
          institutions placement (QIP) to dilute a  Manufacturing Fund, offering policyholders a chance to invest in India's
          small portion of its stake. This could  manufacturing sector. This fund is available as part of their Unit Linked
          fetch higher valuation vis-a-vis the IPO,  Insurance Plan (ULIP) from August 1 to August 15 at an initial unit price of
          going by the current stock price.   Rs 10.
          On  December  20,  2023,  the       A ULIP combines life insurance and investment, where a portion of the
          Department  of  Economic  Affairs,  premium provides life insurance, and the remainder is invested in equity,
          Ministry of Finance, had granted the  debt instruments, or a combination of both, based on the policyholder's risk
          Corporation a one-time exemption,   appetite.
          allowing it to achieve 25 per cent MPS
          within 10 years from the date of listing  Investors can access the Bharat Manufacturing Fund through several existing
                                              PNB MetLife ULIPs, including the Goal Ensuring Multiplier, Smart Platinum
          - till May 2032 - in the public interest.
                                              Plus, and Mera Wealth Plan. These plans combine life insurance protection
          Further,  on  May  14,  2024,  the  with flexible investment options and can be easily purchased online.
          Securities and Exchange Board of India
          granted the Corporation three more  Sanjay Kumar, Chief Investment Officer at PNB MetLife, stated that the fund
          years to achieve 10 per cent public  aligns  customers'  financial  aspirations  with  the  growth  of  India's
          shareholding - that is, within five years  manufacturing sector. The Nifty India Manufacturing Index has shown strong
          from the date of listing (till May 16,  performance, delivering five-year annualized returns of 25.3% compared to
                                              15.3% for the Nifty 50 as of June 30, 2024.

          LIC  Targets  Growth  in          details of the acquisition are yet to be  the June quarter saw an impressive
          Health Insurance, Projects        disclosed, Siddhartha Mohanty, LIC's  23.7% year-on-year growth, indicating
                                            Chief Executive Officer,  confirmed  strong demand for LIC's new insurance
          Higher FY25 New-Business          during a recent media briefing that the  policies. The net VNB margin for the

          Margin                            company is making substantial progress  quarter rose slightly to 13.9%, up from
                                            on this front. The acquisition aligns with  13.7% in the same period last year,
          Life Insurance Corporation of India
                                            LIC's previously stated intent, made in  reflecting improved profitability from
          (LIC), has outlined an ambitious growth
                                            May,  to  explore  inorganic  growth  new premium collections.
          strategy for the upcoming fiscal year.
          LIC has projected a 2%-3% increase in  opportunities  within  the  health
          its value of new-business margin (VNB)  insurance space.             Max       Life     Insurance
          for the fiscal year 2025, underscoring  LIC's financial  results for  the first  Launches   'Aarohan'
          its focus on enhancing profitability  quarter of fiscal year 2024 reflect the  Initiative  to  Expand  in
          from  new  insurance  policies.  This  company's robust performance and
          growth  projection  is  part  of  LIC's  strategic focus. The insurer reported a Rural India
          broader  strategy  to  maintain  its  9.6%  year-on-year  increase in  net  Max Life Insurance has announced the
          dominance in the Indian insurance  profit, amounting to 104.61 billion  'Aarohan'  initiative  to  expand  its
          market while exploring new avenues  rupees. This growth was largely driven  distribution network by adding 75 new
          for expansion.                    by increased sales of high-margin non-  offices in Tier 3 and Tier 4 cities across
                                            participating  policies,  which  have  India. The initiative aims to enhance
          In  a  significant  move  towards
                                            become a focal point in LIC's product  insurance awareness and recruit local
          diversifying its portfolio, LIC is actively
                                            strategy.  These  policies,  unlike  life  advisors  to  better  serve
          pursuing the acquisition of a majority
                                            participating policies that share profits  underserved markets.
          stake in a standalone health insurance
          company. This acquisition would mark  with policyholders, allow LIC to retain  Max   Life   currently   reaches
          a major entry into the health insurance  a larger share of the profits, thereby  approximately  44  lakh  customers
                                            boosting its margins.
          sector, which has been identified as a                               through over 300 branch offices and
          key growth area by the insurer. While  The value of new business (VNB) for  10,000 bank partner branches. The

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