Page 18 - The Insurance Times September 2024
P. 18

Life insurers pushing sales        business, said MD & CEO Siddhartha  actively  seeking  coverage.  This
                                            Mohanty.                           presents an opportunity for agents to
         before start of new regime
                                            During  the  announcement  of  the  engage  with  potential  customers.
         Life insurers, who are seeking a three-  company's financial results for the first  Therefore, the availability of health
         month extension from the insurance                                    insurance is expected to benefit the
                                            quarter,  Mohanty  said  that  the
         regulator  to  comply  with  new   company is looking at an acquisition  life insurance business as well.
         surrender    value   norms,   are
                                            during  the  current  financial  year.
         aggressively pushing products to lock in  "Rather  than set up  a  vertical  for Govt mulls diluting up to
         customers ahead of the October 1   insurance, we felt that we can acquire
         deadline for  the  start  of  the new                                 5% stake in LIC in FY25
                                            a company which will allow us to start
         regime.                            selling health insurance across the  The government may consider diluting
         The new norms are expected to put  country," said Mohanty.            up  to 5  per cent  stake in  the Life
         pressure  on  margins  and  alter                                     Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)
                                            LIC has over 14.1 lakh agents, which is  this fiscal as part of incremental steps
         commission  structures,  driving   among the largest agency force among
         companies like HDFC Life and Max Life  insurance  companies  worldwide.  to  meet  the  minimum  public
         to push sales that are growing 40-50%  According to sources, most of the  shareholding (MPS) norm.
         in July ahead of the deadline.     corporation's  agents  are  already  The Centre had mopped up Rs. 21,000
         Insurers  say  the  yields  on  non-  distributing health insurance for other  crore in May 2022 via an initial public
         participating products are likely to fall  private  companies  as  regulations  offer of India's largest life insurer.
         by around 25 basis points under the  permit an agent to work for life and  LIC's IPO, the biggest so far in the
         new rules, which mandate insurers to  non-life companies. These agents are  history of the Indian capital markets,
         offer guaranteed surrender value from  expected  to  switch  to  selling  LIC  comprised entirely of an offer-for-sale
         the first year on non-participating  products.                        by the government (of 221,374,920
         products.  One  basis  point  is  a  Industry  sources  said  that  health  equity shares of Rs. 10 each) at Rs.
         hundredth of a percentage point.   insurance is increasingly becoming a  949 apiece, accounting for 3.5 per cent

         "The surge in sales for some bank-led  'pull' product, with many young buyers  of its paid-up capital.
         insurers is due to aggressive marketing
         of old insurance products that are set  CSFE, Edelweiss Life in bancassurance tie-up
         to be discontinued in September," said  Capital Small Finance Bank Limited (CSFB) and Edelweiss Life Insurance have
         an insurance executive. "There is an  entered into a bancassurance tie-up. This strategic partnership will enable
         expectation  that  new  products
                                              CSFB's customer base to access Edelweiss Life Insurance's life insurance
         launching in October might be more   products suite, thereby meeting their need for financial security.
         appealing to customers, even though
         they might offer lower yields due to  The arrangement aims to enhance CSFB's life insurance offerings by
         potential adjustments in yield rates  providing its customers with access to Edelweiss Life's digital platform and
         and commission structures."          service touchpoints. CSFB has 177 branches and with this tieup, all products
                                              of Edelweiss Life will be available to the bank's customers at these branches.
         There is some expectation that the
         yield on new products could decrease  Sarvjit Singh Samra, MD & CEO, CSFB said, "We are thrilled to announce
         by 20-25 basis points, and there might  our strategic partnership with Edelweiss Life Insurance.
         be changes in commission structures,  "As we expand our financial solutions, this tie-up with Edelweiss Life enhances
         including possibly linking commissions  our ability to offer comprehensive and tailored life insurance products to
         to persistency or spreading payments  our customers, reinforcing our position as a trusted financial partner."
         over time rather than upfront.       By improving accessibility to quality insurance solutions, CSFB aims to
                                              become the primary banker for our middle-income group customers,
         LIC looks to acquire health          creating a more secure and prosperous future for them, he said.
         insurance co                         Sumit Rai, MD & CEO, Edelweiss Life Insurance said, "We are excited to
         LIC plans to take the acquisition route  embark on this journey with Capital Small Finance Bank and will together
         to  get  into  the  health  insurance  protect people's dreams and aspirations."

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