Page 23 - The Insurance Times September 2024
P. 23

(UY) 2013 to 2021, only 2% of reported  smoothing out the impact of major  bal Service Proposition will help Aviva
         losses exceeded $10 million, but these  losses and providing a more stable view  GCS to diversify internationally, accel-
         accounted for 29% of the total loss  of a portfolio’s performance over time.  erating the growth of its Multinational
         amount.                            Insurance statistics from IUMI reveal  and delegated underwriting authority
         Similarly, the 2021 Suez Canal blockage  specific challenges within the marine  (DUA) business.
         by the Ever Given ship, while the hull  hull insurance market, particularly dur-  By bringing together DUA and Lead
         insurance claim was manageable, had  ing soft cycles. These cycles, driven by  Multinational, Aviva plans to further
         significant implications for global trade  factors such as reductions in hull value,  grow its Global Service Proposition and
         and supply chains, leading to financial  premium rates, and overcapacity, con-  support business around the world. In
         impacts well beyond the marine indus-  sistently affect the market’s perfor-  addition, a refreshed Captives propo-
         try.                               mance.                             sition will be launched later this year.
         Xing notes that, while it may not always  Over time, shifts in reinsurance market  Led  by  Director  of  Multinational
         be feasible to estimate the severity of  capacity and intense competition fur-  Belinda Steedman, the service propo-
         losses for every underwriting year, it is  ther contribute to these cycles, com-  sition maximises Aviva’s existing inter-
                                                                               national capability, helping it to better
         possible to gauge the impact of major  plicating the landscape for marine hull  support brokers and customers. In re-
         losses over a more extended period.  insurers.                        cent years, Aviva has been laying the
         Data from IUMI and the Nordic Marine  Xing and Swiss Re Asia, in collaboration  foundations to support its Lead Multi-
         Insurance Plan (CEFOR) indicates that  with GIA Singapore, continue to em-  national ambition. This includes rein-
         the average major loss ratio to the  phasize the importance of understand-  forcing its network to ensure it has
         value of the marine hull book is around  ing these dynamics as the industry  partners in all key territories to write
         13% annually for UYs 2013-2022.    navigates the challenges posed by an  expanding  lines  of  business,  and
                                            evolving and increasingly complex ma-
         This figure, while dynamic, suggests                                  reengineering ways of working to de-
         that a 10-20% major loss ratio is gen-  rine environment.             liver the best service to brokers and
         erally acceptable in marine hull insur-                               customers.
         ance costing, both in direct and rein-  Global insurance market       Aviva already has a large portfolio of
         surance portfolios globally.       poised for strong growth:          Property Investors international busi-
                                                                               ness, with a significant book of P&C
         If  major  losses  are  excluded,  the  Munich Re study
         attritional loss ratio tends to be more  A new study by Munich Reinsurance  programmes and a partner network
         stable and predictable. However, there  Co. has indicated that the global insur-  covering 150+ territories and 95% of
                                                                               the world’s GDP. In addition, the in-
         can still be volatility, as seen in the  ance  market will see solid growth  surer is growing its Specialty & Finan-
         higher attritional loss ratios during UYs  through 2020 as emerging nations  cial Lines Multinational business.
         2014-2018.                         gather speed, reported
                                                                               Aviva’s new Global Service Proposition
         Xing attributes this to additional fac-  However, growth in the reinsurance  underpins the critical accelerators to
         tors such as fluctuations in hull values,  market will not be as fast, the study  its GCS business plan, while the recent
         changes in direct market insurance  revealed. Munich Re expects the prop-  acquisition of Probitas represents a sig-
         capacity, and broader economic influ-  erty/casualty insurance market to  nificant growth opportunity for the in-
         ences like inflation, all of which contrib-  grow by 50% reaching ¡ 1.85 trillion  surer, with access to the Lloyd’s mar-
         ute to performance volatility within  ($2.39 trillion) by 2020. The study also  ket, international licences and broader
         the marine insurance cycle.        forecasted insurance and reinsurance  distribution networks.
                                            growth to be considerably stronger in
         The interplay between major losses  emerging economies.
         and the marine insurance cycle is criti-                                            Join
         cal to understanding the volatility in a                                    Online Certificate
         marine hull insurance book. Major  Aviva Launches Global Ser-                   Course on
         losses    introduce    significant vice & Specialty Proposi-
         unpredictability, making it challenging  tion                            Marine Insurance
         to forecast short-term performance
                                            Aviva has created a new Global Service
         accurately.                                                                For details please visit
                                            Proposition within its Global Corporate
         A long-term perspective is essential,  and Speciality (GCS) business. The Glo-

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