Page 16 - The Insurance Times September 2024
P. 16

MDIndia Health Insurance           MDIndia's extensive network aims to  124.09% compared to the previous
                                            support health insurance beneficiaries,  quarter. Operating income was up by
         TPA Pvt. Ltd. Announces            particularly in  underserved areas,  300.35%  QOQ  and  increased  by
         Major  Expansion  with             aligning with government initiatives to  935.4% YOY.
                                            assist poor groups through various
         New Offices                                                           Selling, general, and administrative
                                            health schemes.
         MDIndia Health Insurance TPA is enhanc-                               expenses declined by 17.21% QOQ but
         ing its service network with a new office                             increased by 2184.56% YOY. The EPS
         in Patna and two additional locations.  Star Health and Allied In-    for Q1 2024 is Rs. 5.36, reflecting an
         This move underscores MDIndia's com-  surance Reports Q1 Profit       increase of 446.87% YOY.
         mitment to providing top-tier health in-                              Star Health has delivered a 3.33% re-
         surance services across India.     Increase                           turn over the past week, 8.89% over
                                            Star Health and Allied Insurance has
         The Patna office will be inaugurated  reported a remarkable financial perfor-  the last six months, and a year-to-date
         by prominent figures from Oriental In-  mance for the first quarter of 2024,  (YTD) return of 15.12%. As of the lat-
         surance, National Insurance, United  with profits soaring by 1818.72% year-  est report, Star Health and Allied In-
         India Insurance, and New India Assur-  over-year (YOY). The company an-  surance holds a market cap of Rs.
         ance. With these additions, MDIndia  nounced these impressive results on July  36044.11 Crore, with a 52-week high
         now operates 144 offices, serving over  30,  2024,  showcasing  significant  of Rs. 675 and a low of Rs. 454.8.
         25 crore lives nationwide.
                                            growth across various financial metrics.
         Chairman Rajnish Sharma emphasized  Star  Health's  revenue  surged  by  SBI General Insurance: Re-
         the company's dedication to excep-  2634.56% YOY. Quarter-over-quarter  duction in Wait Time for
         tional  service,  while  MD  Sameer  (QOQ), the revenue increased by 3.22%.
         Bhonsale highlighted their commit-                                    Pre-Existing Diseases  to
         ment to efficient and accurate medi-  The company's profit saw a staggering  Increase Costs
         cal insurance claims services.     rise of 1818.72% YOY and grew by   SBI General Insurance's Chief Business
                                                                               Officer, Rakesh Kaul, announced that
           Rising Seasonal Illnesses Drive a Third of Health In-               IRDAI's decision to reduce the waiting
           surance Claims in India                                             period for pre-existing diseases in
                                                                               health insurance from four years to
           The health insurance sector in India is witnessing a significant rise in claims
           due to seasonal infectious diseases. According to recent data, nearly a third  three, effective April 2024, will lead to
           of all health insurance claims recorded by insurers are attributed to these  a 10-20% increase in health insurance
           seasonal illnesses. The most common among them are vector-borne diseases  premiums. However, the company has
                                                                               not decided how much of this cost will
           like dengue and malaria, which see a substantial increase in claims during
                                                                               be passed on to policyholders.
           the monsoon months of July and August, and water-borne infections such as
           gastroenteritis. These illnesses, often influenced by hygiene conditions in spe-  Kaul emphasized that health insurance
           cific localities, have a widespread impact across all segments of society.  is a value-seeker market, not price-
                                                                               seeker, and the ability to customize
           A study conducted by Policybazaar reveals that vector-borne diseases like
           dengue and malaria contribute to approximately 15% of total seasonal ill-  products is key. Despite medical infla-
           ness claims. The treatment costs for these mosquito-borne diseases range  tion of 7-8%, SBI General Insurance
           from Rs 50,000 to Rs 1,50,000. Claims for these illnesses typically peak dur-  reviews rates every three years instead
           ing July and August when humid conditions create ideal breeding grounds  of annually.
           for mosquitoes. Similarly, gastroenteritis, a common monsoon illness, ac-  SBI General Insurance plans to launch
           counts for 18% of seasonal claims, with treatment expenses on par with  new products every quarter, including
           those for malaria.                                                  a customizable health plan and a su-
                                                                               per top-up health cover. The company
           Winter months bring their own set of challenges, with claims for influenza  is focusing on increasing its individual
           and bronchitis reaching 20% and 12% of seasonal illness claims, respectively.  health insurance business and has es-
           Although the cost of treatment for these winter ailments is lower, ranging  tablished a strategic business unit in
           from Rs 25,000 to Rs 1 lakh, they still contribute significantly to the overall  Pune for health insurance underwriting
           claims during this season.
                                                                               and claims.
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