Page 11 - The Insurance Times September 2024
P. 11


                                                                               gate of Rs. 2 crore for violation of pro-
           IRDAI asks cos to make insurance affordable
                                                                               visions of applicable IRDAI Regulations:
           Insurance regulator Irdai has asked companies to come up with strategies  Penalty of Rs.1 crore (Rupees One
           for providing affordable insurance products to achieve the goal of insurance  crore) with respect to certain aspects
           for all by 2047. The move is significant given that high premiums in health  pertaining to Protection of Policyhold-
           insurance are causing many in the senior age group to drop out because of  ers' Interest; Penalty of Rs.1 crore (Ru-
           affordability.                                                      pees One crore) with respect to certain
           The insurance councils hosted the "Insurance for All" vision meet on Friday  aspects of Outsourcing of services un-
           and Saturday in Mumbai to lay the groundwork for the vision of insurance  dertaken by the Company and pay-
           for all by 2047.                                                    ment of Commission or Remuneration

           A major focus was on defining the insurance for all concept and developing  or Reward for solicitation of insurance
           mechanisms to measure and monitor progress. One of the ideas discussed  business," said the company in its fil-
           in the meeting was to increase the diversity of providers who, in turn, will  ing with the exchange.
           bring in a broad range of insurance products, thereby increasing competi-  In addition to the financial penalties,
           tion and reducing pricing. Another one was widening distribution channels  IRDAI has issued further directions and
           for insurance to make it more accessible, particularly in underserved areas.  advisories to the insurance provider
           Companies suggested that the use of Insurtech can streamline operations,  HDFC Life. The company has been in-
           reduce administrative costs, and improve efficiency. These savings can then  structed to adhere to these guidelines
           be passed on to consumers in the form of lower premiums.            within a stipulated timeframe to rec-
                                                                               tify the identified deficiencies and en-
           Participants said that strengthening the state insurance plan is crucial for  sure compliance with regulatory stan-
           making insurance more affordable.

         IRDAI imposes penalty of           2020, covering the financial years  IRDAI Announces 49 Assis-
                                            2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20.
         Rs 2 Crore on HDFC Life for                                           tant  Manager Vacancies
                                            The penalty of Rs 1 crore was levied
         violating regulations              for issues related to the protection of  With  Salaries  Up  To  Rs.
         IRDAI has imposed a penalty totalling  policyholders' interests. Additionally, a  1.46 Lakh
         Rs 2 crore on HDFC Life for violating  penalty of Rs 1 crore was imposed for  Recruitments have come out for many
         various IRDAI regulations, the com-  irregularities   concerning   the  posts in the Insurance Regulatory and
         pany informed the exchange in a filing.  outsourcing of services by the com-  Development  Authority  of  India
         According to the company, the penalty                                 (IRDAI). Different posts have different
         was levied after an onsite inspection  "IRDAI issued an Order dated August  salaries, but there are some posts in
         conducted  by IRDAI  in  September  01, 2024, levying a penalty in aggre-  which the selected candidates will get

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