Page 50 - Banking Finance June 2021
P. 50


         they already have a large database of users and all of their need to master the art of building the
         users need financial products and services.          competency for every employee. How do you
         Platformification of banking is another important trend from start the process of having a self-motivated
         a customer perspective, which would offer them access to  individual who is inclined towards continuous
         more credit and flexible payment options with ecommerce
         players, or help protect their financial wellness in adverse
                                                              A: We are indeed fortunate to have many of our industry's
         economic conditions.
                                                              brightest individuals as part of SunTec. Thanks to our people,
         Finally, as banks look to reduce costs, automate, and simplify  we've built an organization that prides itself as a leader in
         their business in order to gain more efficiencies, the role of  the relationship-based pricing and billing space globally.
         bank branches will likely change post pandemic. One  It's little wonder then when we had to go into a sudden
         possibility is their transformation into 'experience centers',  lockdown on account of the pandemic in March 2020, our
         where a bank's customers can get to know and understand
                                                              people all over the world ably rose up to take the challenge
         various products and services better.
                                                              of meeting all our customer and employee commitments.
                                                              We didn't lose a day, not even an hour, in adapting to the
         Q: As a trendsetter, what are your Top 3             new circumstances, which was indeed unprecedented.
         emerging trends in the Fintech space, which shall
                                                              From our side, we have worked hard to create a learning
         further revolutionize the banking and financial      culture at SunTec that directly links the process of
         services industry                                    competency building with professional and career goals and
         A: The fintech space is uniquely positioned to complement  aspirations of our employees. We have also taken care to
         larger banks by serving the digitally native Generation Z,  provide full organizational support in the form of systems,
         which is also the youngest working population today.  tools and processes that support their learning goals. Finally,
         Younger people naturally gravitate towards fintech players  we also ensure that people always have a chance to apply
         on account of convenient and hassle-free banking experience  their newly acquired skills and competencies in real life.
         that traditional banks are still not able to offer.
         Particularly in India, digital and mobile-first neo-banks will Q: Known for building a strong team, a people's
         continue to gain more ground in 2021 as they are both cost- man yourself, what would be your advice to the
         effective and faster than conventional banks, on account of  new generation of entrepreneurs who are
         better technology capabilities and more agile structures.  actively participating in this disruption journey?
         With banks keenly looking for new partners, the fintech  A: As an entrepreneur, your first job is to only hire people
         companies with mature products and technologies will make  who complement your skills and competencies. Far too many
         for natural targets - both for collaborations and technology  first-generation entrepreneurs make the mistake of believing
         licensing deals and, in some cases, even acquisitions.  that only they have to solve all of their business problems.
                                                              On the contrary, hiring someone who is better equipped to
         Q: You are a firm believer that organizations        handle a specific function - sales, marketing, engineering or
                                                              finance - and then letting that new hire solve their function's
           We are indeed fortunate to have many               problems is the first step towards building a great team.
           of our industry's brightest individuals            Also, all young businesses undergo a major transition
                                                              checkpoint when the team size crosses a certain threshold,
               as part of SunTec. Thanks to our               and the founding team is no longer able to remember the
          people, we've built an organization that            names of all employees. Once the organization crosses this
                                                              checkpoint, entrepreneurs must pay closer attention to
                prides itself as a leader in the              effective propagation of their original organizational culture
           relationship-based pricing and billing             and value system among the new employees. This will
                                                              ensure that the entire organization is pulling together in the
                         space globally.
                                                              same direction.

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