Page 49 - Banking Finance June 2021
P. 49


                                                              deliver more value for their customers without sacrificing
                 Banks are therefore not just                 their profitability.

           partnering with fintechs but with Big
                                                              Q: How do your products and solutions enable
                Tech companies too. In turn,                  organizations to adopt a customer first strategy
            customers will soon see the entry of              and exponentially increase revenue and customer
            non-traditional players in banking,               A: Our solutions are designed for the complete customer
           like Google, Facebook and Amazon.                  experience orchestration. From a customer point of view,
                                                              they want to know why they should be charged, whether
                                                              they are being charged transparently, how they can save
         a business will be in creating value for itself and for its
                                                              money, how they can get customized offers and so on.
         customers. Pricing is also the final determinant of value
         exchange. If the price is set too high as compared to the  We have a solution designed  for deals and offers
         perceived value of a product, there will be fewer or no  management, and yet another solution designed for product
         customers. On the other hand, if the price is set low, the  rationalization, which helps prevent the customer churn and
         business will have lower profits. Another important factor  minimizes the cost of servicing legacy products that are
         is the context of the consumption. For instance, the value  perhaps offering lower value to the customers.
         of a bottle of water will increase exponentially for a person  In essence, our products and solutions help banks design and
         in a desert as compared to those who have an abundance  manage a customer-centric product portfolio, price their
         of water around them. So human emotions also play a role.  products attractively in order to maximise value for
         Getting the billing systems right is in fact critical, because  everyone, and finally optimise their partner ecosystem and
         even a tiny discrepancy at the backend can lead to revenue  their billing process.  They allow banks to go beyond their
         leakage and drain the profitability. For example, if a bank  market offerings and tap into the industry's broader
         with 10 million customers is losing on average just Rs. 0.25  ecosystem to serve, satisfy, and grow their customer base.
         of say half of its customers per month, it is still losing Rs.
         1.25 million per month or Rs. 15 million every year, which is  Q: With COVID 19 the Digital Transformation
         a drain on its profitability.                        journey of most of the banks seems to have
                                                              gathered momentum, what are the customer-
         Plugging this leakage often necessitates taking advantage
         of modern technology to craft and offer the right product facing trends that may emerge over the next 6-8
         at the right price to the customer. Also, banks are quarters?
         increasingly realising that in today's hypercompetitive  A: Banks are today busy reinventing their business and
         environment, when technology is a great equaliser, they  revenue models on account of the widespread disruption
         need to start adding external partners to their systems in  caused by the pandemic. One of the most striking trends
         order to offer more value to the customer. We're seeing this  that we're seeing is greater collaboration, even among
         transition with some of our banking customers, who have  competing players inside the banking ecosystem, as banks
         built an ecosystem play with a variety of external businesses  look to shore up competitive differentiation and attract the
         as partners.                                         newer, digital-proficient generation. For example, Google
         Now, as soon as banks start building an ecosystem play,  will soon start offering "Plex", mobile-first digital bank
         pricing and billing becomes even more important. For  accounts through its Google Pay app to its US customers.
         example, if your bank is offering you a concierge service or  For Plex, Google has partnered with 11 banks and credit
         a travel service as a value addition, they have to not only  unions, including Citi.
         price it correctly, but also do so after factoring in your own  Banks are therefore not just partnering with fintechs but
         behavior. How many times do you travel every month or  with Big Tech companies too. In turn, customers will soon
         every year? Are you a preferred customer of your bank?  see the entry of non-traditional players in banking, like
         What is your credit rating? Such behavioral factors are today  Google, Facebook and Amazon. Big Tech is today able to
         playing a greater role than ever in helping banks create and  offer precisely what a bank used to offer in the past because

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