Page 48 - Banking Finance June 2021
P. 48


                       Interview with

                 Mr. Nanda Kumar

                       Founder & CEO

               SunTec Business Solutions

         Q: You embarked on this tech-enabled end-to-         financial services in 2000 with a whole new approach to
         end value management almost three decades            pricing by making it customer-centric. Our idea was to help
                                                              our clients maximise value for themselves and their
         back and much has happened in the outside
                                                              customers by offering attractively priced and hyper-
         world. Staying put on the growth path during
                                                              personalised products and solutions on one end, and
         these disruptive times is a case-study. We would     plugging any potential revenue leakage on the other.
         like our audience to know your story on this
                                                              Customer centricity has therefore been the guiding light for
         continued passion for delivering value.              most of our journey and even today, we are singularly
         A: Value management is in fact rooted in our organisational  focused on helping our clients create more value for their
         DNA. It is also captured in our vision statement, which is to  customers as well as for themselves by becoming more
         enable every value exchange in the digitally driven world.  customer-centric than ever. We firmly believe that a
         While the outside world has seen many disruptions over the  customer-centric business is much better suited to sail
         last thirty years, fundamentally, businesses are able to  through disruptions and continue to deliver meaningful
         survive and thrive only if they are consistently delivering  value to its customers.
         value to their customers. This applies as much to SunTec as
         it does to our clients.                              Q: You have shaped the wave of customer-centric

         30 years ago, we were fortunate to start our journey  software platforms and solutions for pricing and
         alongside the dawn of the Internet age with telecom clients.  billing, particularly in transaction-intensive
         Early on, we realised that if we were to succeed in a rapidly  verticals. Having pioneered the concept of
         changing world, we needed to shift from a product-centric  relationship-based pricing, please share your
         approach or strategy to a customer-centric one. Also,
         fundamentally, this evolution had to happen from  a  thoughts and outlook on this critical aspect,
         disjointed system to one where pricing had to be based on  which is key to balanced pricing dynamics.
         reliability of delivery and transparency.            A: Pricing and billing together determine just how successful
         When we applied this shift while working with our telecom
         clients, we were able to generate more value for their  We firmly believe that a customer-
         customers with every single additional phone call they
         made, by analyzing their monthly bills using our technology  centric business is much better suited
                                                                   to sail through disruptions and
         Once we saw the customer-centric approach work for our
         telecom clients, the logical next step was to apply this  continue to deliver meaningful value
         approach to other industries and help them create more              to its customers.
         value for their end-customers. We ventured into banking and

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