Page 44 - Banking Finance June 2021
P. 44


         Vigilance constitutes a vital cog in the management of an  organisation, their inputs are appreciated and they are given
         organisation and offers essential opportunities to enhance  a role in the decision making process of the organisation as
         an organization's efficiency. The overall purpose of every  well. This approach recognises the significance of human
         organization's role in vigilance is to help management in  intellect and seeks to build a strong relationship between
         achieving its goal by ensuring any operation is performed in  the employees and the employer.  Rather than running the
         compliance with laid out processes and procedures, thereby  organisation top down in a pyramidical fashion, this
         diminishing instances of employees' misconduct and   approach gives equal importance to each and every
         misappropriation of funding. Vigilance is thus basically a  employee's inputs and they play a factor in how the
         management feature and seeks to protect the dignity,  organisation functions. It helps in improving all forms of
         veracity, and productivity of management.Constant    vertical and horizontal communications within an
         vigilance has become a crucial part of any organisation as it  organisation.
         is a multi-faceted approach resulting in better expense
         management, quality assurance and enhanced productivity  Participative vigilance is a system in which each employee
         which can enable an organisation to survive in this  is made responsible and made aware of the responsibilities
         increasingly competitive world.                      on him. Employees need to be sensitised about ethical work
                                                              practices and how to spot a breach of responsibility at their
         Vigilance has mainly three facets, these are preventive,  work place.Every employee in such a system is a stakeholder
         punitive, and participative. Preventive vigilance seeks to  and he must ensure that he is always vigilant. Every
         plug all the gaps, reduce all loopholes, and ensure that  employee and every customer of the Bank is a potential CCTV
         deficiencies of the system are dealt with to reduce instances  camera which can be used not only to identify lapses
         of fraud. It aims to identify and resolve vulnerabilities  happening but also reporting them to the concerned
         present within the system. Punitive vigilance majorly aims  authorities. For such a policy to work, the employees also
         to impose harsh penalties and punitive measures on those  need to have a sense of belongingness to their place of work.
         who aid, abet, and condone frauds, it seeks to set an
         example for others and acts as a deterrent measure.  Lapses cannot be prevented just by the upper echelons of
         Preventive vigilance is a proactive approach which seeks to  the organisation, rather every employee ranging from a
         actively prevent frauds from happening whereas Punitive  mere office helper to top managerial officers of an
         approach is a reactive approach which comes into action  organisation should take an equal responsibility to be vigilant
         after an incident has happened. These two forms of vigilance  and prevent lapses. The top management has to set the
         have largely formed the backbone of the Banking sector  tone and ensure enthusiastic participation from all levels of
         since the very beginning.                            the organisation. Participative vigilance instils a sense of
                                                              pride and self-esteem within the employees.It reinforces
         However, Participative vigilance takes a completely different  their commitment towards their workplace as they are
         approach in dealing with inadequacies. Participative  empowered with authority and given an important
         vigilance aims to empower each and every employee of the
         company to prevent frauds. Each employee acts as a check
         and balance to ensure that fraud cannot be perpetrated by
         insiders or outsiders. It needs to be understood by everyone
         that just committing a crime is not the only wrong, any
         employee turning a blind eye to illicit activities and
         condoning them is just as guilty as the one committing them.
         The need for vigilance has been underscored by famous
         American social reformer Henry Ward Beecher"Vigilance is
         not only the price of liberty, but of success of any sort."

         Participative Vigilance seems in part to be derived from the
         concept of Participative Management wherein the
         employees are given a much more active role in an

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