Page 41 - Banking Finance June 2021
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                                                                                            comprehensive level of
                                                                                            insurance which is
                                                                                            usually suitable for
                                                                                            manufactured goods,
                                                                                            where Clause C would
                                                                                            likely  apply     to

                                                                                            3. Updation on
                                                                                            Disputes on sharing of
                                                                                            costs were quite a
                                                                                            problem due to lack of
                                                                                            clarity on the same with
                                                                                            Incoterms® 2010.  In
                                                                                            some cases the carriers
                                                                                            were changing their
                                                                                            pricing so sellers were
                                                                                            often faced with new
                       Fig 3: Point of Delivery & Transfer of Risk in Incoterms® 2020       back charged terminal
                                                              handling charges.  Incoterms® 2020 now provides much
         responsible for obtaining the necessary clearances from the  more detail around costs. This clearly states the allocation
         authorities in the buyer's country.
                                                              of costs to each party.

         Key Changes in Incoterms® 2020 over                  4. Increased Security Requirements, Allocations
         Incoterms® 2010:                                     and Costs:
         The Major part of Incoterms® 2020 has remained the same,  In today's world the requirement of security arrangements
         with a few key updates and changes. It's essential that all  of the goods is always increasing. Taking this into
         parties involved in global trade understand these updates  consideration, the Incoterms® 2020 rules now provide more
         and know the implications of the same:               detail around security allocations and necessary costs.  For
                                                              each Incoterm® rule, the security allocations have been
         1. New Incoterms® - DPU Replaces DAT:                added and the associated costs have also been added.
         The previous Incoterm® DAT (Delivered at Terminal) has now
         been replaced by a new term called DPU (Delivered at Place 5. Buyer's and Seller's Own Transport:
         Unloaded).  In the past, DAT required 'Delivery at Terminal  Under Incoterms® 2010 it was assumed that all transport
         (unloaded)', however the word "terminal" caused confusion.  would be undertaken by a third party transport provider.
         Now this term has been modified to DPU (Delivery at Place  But Incoterms® 2020 allows for the provision of the buyer
         Unloaded) which gives a better clarity.              or seller's own means of transport. This recognizes that
                                                              some buyers and sellers are using their own methods of
         2. Change in level of insurance cover between        transport, including trucks or planes to get goods delivered.
         CIF and CIP:
         CIF and CIP are the only two Incoterms® that require the 6. FCA, FOB and the Bill of Lading Process:
         seller to purchase insurance in the buyer's name.  Under  Updates were made to the previous Incoterms® 2010 in order
         Incoterms® 2010 the insurance cover for both CIF and CIP  to encourage exporters of containerized goods to use the FCA
         was required under Institute Cargo Clause C. Under the new  Incoterm®.  But, in reality they were still using FOB instead of
         Incoterms® 2020, CIP requires insurance cover complying  FCA. This is because FOB is still frequently used under Letter of
         with Institute Cargo Clause A.  Clause A covers a more  Credit transactions even by experienced sellers.

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