Page 46 - Banking Finance June 2021
P. 46




         TO PROTECT



          Brief Introduction:                                 Digital account fraud  refers  to   taking  over  a   real
                                                              person's   Legitimate account to launch bot and malware
          The face of banking system has been changed to unexpected
                                                              attacks, and is often run by human firms but also automated
          levels with the innovations of technology and adopting the
          same by Banking industry to provide most convenient
          banking to their valued customers on 24*7*365 basis.  Payment fraud includes credential theft, chargeback and
                                                              other threat methods during payment authentication or
          With the same advanced phase, robberies also replaced with  dispute.
          physical to digital,  termed as Cyber frauds. As per experts
          talk,  Cyber crime and payment fraud cost $6 trillion in the Common  Techniques to defence :
          year, 2020.                                         Essential and Common techniques to fight against all
                                                              varieties of cyber frauds by Banks :
          Banks are in a process to use advanced techniques and  Y  Internal corporate policies
          technology to intensify security levels to combat cyber  Y  Educating Employees towards Cyber Threats
          frauds to protect Customer interests and moreover Nations'
                                                              Y  Harden the Machines Regularly
                                                              Y  Increase Customer Awareness
          Broadly we can classify cyber frauds as
                                                              Y  Examining third-party services
          Identity fraud occurs when thieves use stolen Social Security
          or passport, Aadhar numbers to create a synthetic identity,
          which is then used for fraudulent transactions.     Real Scenario :
                                                              Well, Even after implementing above all at Bank end,
                              About the author                Customer end, Employee end, Third Party end,  but practical
                                                              difficulties involving in remembering of different critical
                      SVS Adinarayana                         passwords by customers, SIM swapping technology, Security
                      Chief Manager                           vulnerabilities in different Apps using by Customers giving a
                      Staff Training Centre,                  way to fraudsters to steal the valuable data/ reputation of
                      Hyderabad                               Banks and Money of the Customers.

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