Page 42 - Banking Finance June 2021
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                                                              of all the import regulations of the buyer's country. So,
                                                              selection of DDP in such situations may prove complicated
                                                              or may lead to mistakes.

                                                              4. Going the easy way by using EXW:
                                                              Mistakes can happen even when the simplest of the
                                                              Incoterms® Ex-Works is used. This is possible when this
                                                              Incoterms® is accepted by the buyer without knowledge
                                                              about the export formalities / regulations of the exporter's
                                                              country. This may even prove costly to the buyer.

                                                              5. Using Incoterms® without correct address:
                                                              Using Incoterms® without correct address and named place
                                                              of delivery can lead to a misunderstanding and sometimes
         Therefore provisions have been made to the Incoterms®  may lead to additional cost also.
         2020 to state that the buyer must instruct the carrier to
         issue a transport document stating that the goods have
         been loaded - i.e a Bill of Lading with an 'on board' notation.  6. Terminal Handling Charges:
         In the past carriers have frequently refused to issue a Bill of  Payment of Terminal handling charges should normally be
         Lading with a notation to the seller if they have received  discussed separately and agreed upon in the sale contract.
         the goods from an intermediary transport (such as a truck),  Since failure to pay the terminal handling fees on time may
         instead of directly from the seller.                 lead to demurrage which may further spoil the spirit of the
                                                              trade. This will also help to avoid future confusions.
         Misconceptions in the usage of
                                                              It is not always easy to determine our rights and obligations
         The usage of Incoterms® helps avoid misconceptions on the  in an international sale contract. That is just what makes
         part of buyers and sellers. Still, some common mistakes that  Incoterms® so valuable. They allow us to resolve the doubts
         are committed in their usage or selection are as follows:
                                                              we might have about the delivery and the transport of the
                                                              goods. Also, they are indispensible when it comes to security
         1. Confusing ownership and risk:                     and developing a successful relationship with the
         Incoterms® do not regulate the passing of the title of the  counterparty.
         goods from the seller to the buyer. They only refer to the
         risk which is a standard during delivery times and to help  If we use Incoterms® to define the terms, we can
         divide the costs of the delivery accordingly.        undoubtedly remove or, at least, reduce the uncertainties
                                                              that may lead to a misunderstanding. In addition, both
         2. Using Wrong Incoterms®:                           parties will also know exactly their role in each part of the

         Sometimes usage / selection of a wrong Incoterms® may  delivery. This in turn will help the business in avoiding further
         represent a risk to the seller. The selection of Incoterms®  expenses, thus making the sale contract a success.
         should mainly be based on the type of goods and the type
         of transport involved in the trade. Using a wrong Incoterm  References:
         may require the seller to fulfill some additional responsibility  Y  "United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
         which may alter the risk and also may involve additional cost.  International Sale of Goods" Published by the United
                                                                 Nations Commission on International trade Law in 2010.
         3. Using DDP without knowing the import              Y  "Incoterms® 2020" by the International Chamber of
         regulations:                                            Commerce.
         Not all sellers in the international trade have full knowledge  Y  Websites: T

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