Page 176 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 176

The Insurance Times

      IIB has created a data warehouse which will enable insurers and other stakeholders
         to have easy access to validated data.

      Users will be provided specific levels of permissions to use this data.

     Data interpretation

     Analysis of data can be performed on various parameters and at different levels of
     complexity. Data can be interpreted on various parameters as below:-

     Parameters                   What is the use of analysis

     Written premium -            l Show number of people covered

     Premium received by an       l Premium received by underwriting offices

     insurer in a particular period l Identify average premium in group and individual


                                  l Help the insurer to focus on sales and marketing


                                  l Help the underwriter to monitor the result of

                                  actions taken by underwriting offices

     Earned premiums -the         l Help in the segmentation of earned premium and
     premium earned by the             written premium
     insurer for the risk period
                                  l Helps to match premium earned and claims
                                       incurred in the same period and

                                  l Calculate unearned premium reserve
                                  l Helps to analyse various products via a loss ratios

     Age distribution-the number l Calculate percentage share of different categories

     of people covered in         of policyholders

     different age bands          l Understand customer profile changes

                                  l Understand demographics of people and risk


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