Page 177 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 177

Sashi Publications

Group size distribution-        l Number of people covered and premium for
number of people in the              different group sizes for the individual and group
group                                policies.

                                l Study average premium per person
                                l Average premium for group
                                l Claim cost per person and for group

Parameters                      What is the use of analysis

Claims probability              l Percentage of total claim amount paid
distribution- number of         l Number of total claims
claims paid and claim           l Frequency and average of claims
amount                          l Expected amount per claim
                                l Probability of claims of certain sizes
                                l Expected cost of claims for policies
                                l Rate calculation for sum insured policies

Claim analysis- Show the        l Amount of claim paid and corresponding number
amount of total claims paid          of claims for different years and component of
and for the different benefits       claim costs

                                l Amount paid for different benefits like nursing,
                                     surgery, miscellaneous

                                Claim analysis by sum insured
                                l Number of claims paid
                                l Amount of claim
                                l Percentage of total claim paid with sum insured
                                l Utilisation level of different sum insured ranges
                                Claim analysis the age bands
                                l Number of claims for each age band

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