Page 42 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 42

The Insurance Times

             for workers and their dependents called society managed insurance. It covers 26%
             of Japan's population.
         Employees and dependents in the smaller companies automatically get enrolled in a
             "Small-Business National Health Plan" operated by the government. It covers 30%
             of Japan's population
         A third category "Citizen Insurance Program" covers the retired and self-employed
             and is administered by municipal government, financethrough compulsory premium
             on self-employed and general tax revenues.
         In 2008 80% of health costs in Japan were borne by government and balance by
             other sources.

         Employees have to make a mandatory payment of 7% of their wages for compulsory

             health coverage to public sector National health fund (Fonasa)
         Private sector scheme is operated through Isapres
         67% of ablation is enrolled with Fonasa and balance 20% are covered under private

         Fonasa is funded 50% by general tax revenues
         Out of pocket expenses are common in healthcare

         There are three main schemes which cover the entire population
         Civil service medical benefit scheme covers government employees
         Social security schemes covers employees mandate really
         Universal coverage scheme covers all suggestions not covered under our


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