Page 45 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 45

Sashi Publications

                   Questions and Answers

Q1. What are the main sources of funds for paying health care costs around
      the world?

Ans. The main sources of funds for paying health care costs are :
(i) General Government revenues or tax funded systems - In tax funded systems,

      the population contributes indirectly via taxes, which then form part of the general
      revenues and are used in the provisioning of healthcare.

(ii) Employment based health insurance or other forms of social health
      insurance - In this system, the employees and employers contributes, with or
      without any additional support The coverage usually also includes the dependents
      of the employees. They can be however, of diverse forms. They could be in the
      form of a mandatory, earmarked, payroll tax, or a voluntary, tax deductible health

(iii) Private health insurance or commercial health insurance - They are usually
      commercial profit making ventures, though some are also of the non profit or
      charitable type , and

(iv) Out of pocket payments by households - Contributions made by individuals
      out of their savings and daily expenses.

Q2. Trace out the internal experience in health insurance schemes in major


Ans. As per WHO , in 2010, the composition of World Health Expenditure is as

follows :

General Government Expenditure : 35 %

Social Insurance   : 25 %

Private Insurance  : 18 %

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