Page 48 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 48

The Insurance Times

                      enrolled in small business national health plan operated by the
                      Government, which covers 30 % of Japan, and is paid by both payroll
                      taxes and fund revenue. The third category of insurance is the Citizens
                      Insurance Program, which covers the self employed, contributions
                      from the other two programs and general tax revenues.
                      The unemployed remain in their previous cover with their payroll
                      contributions waived off. All plans cover a range of benefits, including
                      dental care, maternity, and prescription drugs.
               (v) Chile - Here the employees have to make a mandatory contribution of 7%
                      of their wages, which could then be used to contribute for health insurance
                      coverage from Public Sector Funs (Fonasa) established to administer
                      the social health insurance scheme, or through the private sector insurers
                      About 67% is enrolled with Fonasa but 20% is enrolled with Isapres..
                      Both schemes are regulated by the Superintendence of Isapres, under the
                      Ministry of Health, Govt of Chile. Fonasa is funded 50% by general tax
                      revenues of the government, while the remaining financing occurs through
                      the mandatory contribution by employees and retired people. Substantial
                      out of pockets are however common, despite the high wage contribution
                      by employees.
               (vi) Thailand - In Thailand, there are three main insurance schemes which
                      cover most of the country's population. The Civil Service Medical Benefits
                      Schemes (CSMBS) cover government employees, which is about 8% of
                      the country's population.
                      The second, the Social Security Scheme (SSS) resembles the ESIs
                      of India. It is a mandatory, tripartite contribution scheme, where
                      costs are shared by the employers, employees and the government

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